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T O P I C    R E V I E W
randall Posted - 03/05/2006 : 14:45:45
As lemmy has suggested: let us Maniaize once more!

Our reviews fly in so fast these days that many of us miss them. So here's my deal to feature some of these stragglers:

Here's a page of my 0-voted reviews.

1) Take a look at all 100 of these reviews, and bestow a vote wherever you deem the review worthy.

2) Post in this thread that you've done so, and give me a link to a similar page of your 0-and/or 1-voted reviews. [You may certainly choose 1-voters if you like. The purpose of this exercise is to move the understudies further towards the spotlight.]

3) I will unsheathe the mighty Voting Hammer and Smite your worthies in the selfsame manner, for 0s and 1s only. The Hammer � a top-secret Weapon of Mass Construction � must remain in its fancy cell-phone beltpack until you confirm you have visited my page.


FINE PRINT: If you have less than a full page of 1- and 0-votes and still want to play, just link me to the partial page after you look at mine, and I�ll make an exception and Smite you further up the scale, up to 100 reviews. [There are only a few fwfrers who qualify, and we both know who you are.]

Let's go, Maniacs!!!!

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
LPH Posted - 03/13/2006 : 14:03:32
Besides Randall I've now hit: Paddy C, Choco Lady, Josh, Lemmy & Yukon.

Will get to more later when I have more time to procrastinate actual everyday tasks!

Have now hit Foxboy & Turrell.


randall Posted - 03/13/2006 : 12:27:22
Originally posted by LPH

Here are some of my ZEROS

So far I've hit Randall, the next of you are to follow as much as time allows - I'll update as I get time to read through everyone's!


LPH Posted - 03/13/2006 : 05:04:38
Here are some of my ZEROS

So far I've hit Randall, the next of you are to follow as much as time allows - I'll update as I get time to read through everyone's!


turrell Posted - 03/07/2006 : 21:34:08
Originally posted by turrell

I'm in also.

Got the following:

Paddy C - more coming soon.

whippa...(who's next, who's next...)
lemmycaution Posted - 03/07/2006 : 15:53:46
Mustered Maniacal mugging.
randall Posted - 03/07/2006 : 14:17:45
Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Whippa needs your votes DESPERATELY!

and I have visited Randall's page. Honest.

And since you have, you got Hammered!
mampers11 Posted - 03/07/2006 : 12:56:10
Originally posted by mampers

Please vote for my zeroers. I would be grateful people. Cheers. Votes will be winged all your way.

Mampers thatsonofabitch

Sorry guys, forgot the link

Here it is

Mampers that sonofabitch

mampers11 Posted - 03/07/2006 : 12:53:25
Please vote for my zeroers. I would be grateful people. Cheers. Votes will be winged all your way.

Mampers thatsonofabitch

Yukon Posted - 03/07/2006 : 03:40:19
Just hit whipper with the voting stick

Whippersnapper. Posted - 03/06/2006 : 12:20:15
Whippa needs your votes DESPERATELY!

and I have visited Randall's page. Honest.
randall Posted - 03/06/2006 : 11:54:26
V&V to here. Puzzgal, nope, you linked to a page of 2s. I want 1s and 0s, like this.
ChocolateLady Posted - 03/06/2006 : 10:18:02
I've hammered everyone so far - including the Whip and the Mamp!
Yukon Posted - 03/05/2006 : 23:50:02
Viewed and voted for everyone above

Puzzgal Posted - 03/05/2006 : 21:48:21
Sounds good to me. I linked a page of 1's because I don't have many 0's. Votes for everyone in this thread!
turrell Posted - 03/05/2006 : 21:10:12
I'm in also.

Got the following:

Paddy C - more coming soon.

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