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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Demisemicenturian Posted - 04/02/2018 : 07:01:10
Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round: you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it: sooner is better than later.
Provide spoiler warnings in your post when appropriate.
Read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday at noon or later, F.W.F.R. time.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rockfsh Posted - 04/10/2018 : 13:11:17
Demisemicenturian Posted - 04/10/2018 : 07:06:21
Originally posted by lemmycaution

Four entrants this round! I'm giddy.

lemmycaution Posted - 04/09/2018 : 14:47:46
Four entrants this round! I'm giddy.
demonic Posted - 04/08/2018 : 15:37:42
And voted too.
demonic Posted - 04/08/2018 : 15:35:18
At the 11th Hour

Kay Graham has to decide whether to publish the damning Pentagon Papers in her newspaper and risk losing everything in "The Post".
"All The Money in the World" tells the story of the Getty kidnapping, where the teenage victim had his ear cut off as an incentive for the ransom demands.
A woodcock is a type of commonly hunted bird, and also the surname of Daniel Day-Lewis' character in "Phantom Thread".
In "The Last Jedi" (spoiler) Luke Skywalker sacrifices himself so the remainder of the resistance can escape the First Order.
"Lady Bird" dramatises the often strained relationship that writer/director Greta Gerwig had with her mother.
lemmycaution Posted - 04/04/2018 : 13:23:42
Lemmy in for #1250.
rockfsh Posted - 04/04/2018 : 09:37:26

spoiler for Wind River
Lady Tabares stars in Rose Seller
Demisemicenturian Posted - 04/04/2018 : 02:13:51
Gay Elio does an American Pie to a peach.

The jentil are mythological Basque giants; the film is about an historical one.

An eponymous character has sex.

Stone-age people play football.

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