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 Sean's FYCTH # 192

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Josh the cat Posted - 05/01/2006 : 06:13:53

Sean says:
Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it.
Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Lindsey K Posted - 05/04/2006 : 02:01:16
Vacous Vixen

Josh the cat Posted - 05/04/2006 : 01:01:48
Yukon & Koli you just got full marks from me.
Conan you already had full marks from me
Noncentz you missed out the www. but still got some marks from me.

see you all in a few hours
(GCSE coursework marking and exam board entry time - no sleep for teachers)
Josh the cat
Whippersnapper. Posted - 05/04/2006 : 00:13:42
Violet Violas.
BaftaBaby Posted - 05/03/2006 : 15:33:13

Various Votings

Cheese_Ed Posted - 05/03/2006 : 14:18:37
Velvet Vestiges
lemmycaution Posted - 05/03/2006 : 14:18:25
Done the rounds. See you tomorrow.
Beanmimo Posted - 05/03/2006 : 14:04:50

Thanks foxboy will repay the favour soon

LadyMeerKat thus is the joy of fwfring, those hours wasted on the worst of movies can be somewhat re-couped...
LadyMeerkat Posted - 05/03/2006 : 12:22:50
Originally posted by Beanmimo

1) LadyMeerkat I love the consistency of the movies you have chosen to review, 99% fantasy with a bit of Depp thrown in for good luck. Keep it up.

Ta :) A lot of the movies I've reviewed are favourites I know well, and therefore reflect my tastes. Others are movies I've seen since joining fwfr. One of the good things about being part of this is that you really can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Whether you enjoy the movie or not you can still write entertaining reviews about it.
thefoxboy Posted - 05/03/2006 : 10:23:01
Originally posted by Beanmimo

Two things

1) LadyMeerkat I love the consistency of the movies you have chosen to review, 99% fantasy with a bit of Depp thrown in for good luck. Keep it up.

2) who was it that visited my pages only to unload votes over last weekend, I would like to return the compliment!! (Not EM, as she voted yesterday in case any of you spot that)


If not EM it could have been ME.
Ok, I go and hit you now.....u ready?

Edit: I lost count of votes I gave you, but I took you to 2000 total and your average went from 2.29 to 2.46
Beanmimo Posted - 05/03/2006 : 10:01:31

Two things

1) LadyMeerkat I love the consistency of the movies you have chosen to review, 99% fantasy with a bit of Depp thrown in for good luck. Keep it up.

2) who was it that visited my pages only to unload votes over last weekend, I would like to return the compliment!! (Not EM, as she voted yesterday in case any of you spot that)

Conan The Westy Posted - 05/03/2006 : 09:55:10
turrell Posted - 05/03/2006 : 07:35:13
craVen Vixens
Sean Posted - 05/03/2006 : 05:11:53
Falken Posted - 05/03/2006 : 04:53:54

thefoxboy Posted - 05/03/2006 : 04:38:11
Originally posted by Koli

Clean sweeps for Falken and thefoxboy.

Thanks, my coffee loving friend.

vv'ed to here.

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