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 sean's FYCTH #195

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bife Posted - 05/11/2006 : 06:09:00

Sean says:

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it.
Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sean Posted - 05/15/2006 : 01:48:47
Originally posted by Yukon

Originally posted by zulu

Originally posted by Se�n

Yikes, you guys are putting me off having kids, real fast!
Sean, what nobody is mentioning is that kids will make you more happy than you thought possible. When my eldest says she loves me, it is even better than my experience with those drunk twin sisters when I was 19...I've said too much, but believe me, kids are wonderful...and I got almost 4 and a half hours sleep last night.
That's the problem with having twin girls. It's every guy's fantasy.
How old are they?

I didn't write that. I didn't.

Whippersnapper. Posted - 05/15/2006 : 01:30:20
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Votes given
Votes received

Yes, its better to give than to receive, but I'm so selfless that I allow others to enjoy this pleasure at my expense.
BaftaBaby Posted - 05/15/2006 : 00:58:29
Votes given
Votes received

MM0rkeleb Posted - 05/15/2006 : 00:35:58

zulu Posted - 05/14/2006 : 23:53:37
Done, with some extras for the Yukon man whilst he thinks about home-made weapons.

BTW, Yukon, I had already covered many of your top reviews. I especially liked "Hostel: 5-scar hotel." Very good!
Yukon Posted - 05/14/2006 : 23:12:27
Originally posted by zulu

Originally posted by Se�n

Yikes, you guys are putting me off having kids, real fast!

Sean, what nobody is mentioning is that kids will make you more happy than you thought possible. When my eldest says she loves me, it is even better than my experience with those drunk twin sisters when I was 19...I've said too much, but believe me, kids are wonderful...and I got almost 4 and a half hours sleep last night.


That's the problem with having twin girls. It's every guy's fantasy.
I'm going to be so paranoid once my girls hit high school.

Too bad Canada has such tight gun control laws. It's next to impossible for me to buy a shotgun...
Koli Posted - 05/14/2006 : 22:49:54
Me done too.

Congrats, Zulu.

Our first son began sleeping through when he was almost a year old.

Then we took him away for the weekend and upset his natural rhythmn.

So it was another few weeks before we enjoyed uninterrupted nights.

But boy did we appreciate it.
Whippersnapper. Posted - 05/14/2006 : 22:32:45

Josh the cat Posted - 05/14/2006 : 22:20:26
V&V'd 2 here
lemmycaution Posted - 05/14/2006 : 21:48:59
V & V.
silly Posted - 05/14/2006 : 21:46:59
Kids are great until they grow old enough to choose movies.

We're off to see The Wild in a couple minutes.

Voted to here...
Conan The Westy Posted - 05/14/2006 : 21:24:09
Originally posted by dhannah
Zulu, congrats, and welcome to the two daughters club! It's a wonderful thing.

Amen to that.
Sean Posted - 05/14/2006 : 00:21:26
Originally posted by zulu

Originally posted by Se�n

Yikes, you guys are putting me off having kids, real fast!
Sean, what nobody is mentioning is that kids will make you more happy than you thought possible. When my eldest says she loves me, it is even better than my experience with those drunk twin sisters when I was 19...I've said too much, but believe me, kids are wonderful...and I got almost 4 and a half hours sleep last night.
Yeah, I know. I've got the best nephew and niece on the planet, and love 'em to bits.

I'd like to have kids if I could skip the first 3 years, and have them leave home at 13.
zulu Posted - 05/13/2006 : 20:54:14
Originally posted by Se�n

Yikes, you guys are putting me off having kids, real fast!

Sean, what nobody is mentioning is that kids will make you more happy than you thought possible. When my eldest says she loves me, it is even better than my experience with those drunk twin sisters when I was 19...I've said too much, but believe me, kids are wonderful...and I got almost 4 and a half hours sleep last night.

zulu Posted - 05/13/2006 : 20:44:42
Originally posted by Yukon

[i]will I ever sleep again?


NO! (says the sleepless father of twin three-year-olds daughters and a one-year-old son.)

But congrats. I'm sending some votes your way as a gift.

Thanks Yukon, your three sound a big handful! I hear that twins are tough going.

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