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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ChocolateLady Posted - 05/22/2006 : 06:13:34

Sean says: In for a penny, in for a pound.

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it.
Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BaftaBaby Posted - 05/25/2006 : 06:50:27
seen, sprinkled

MM0rkeleb Posted - 05/25/2006 : 03:17:09
demonic Posted - 05/25/2006 : 02:57:41
Yukon Posted - 05/24/2006 : 22:52:35
V & V
Josh the cat Posted - 05/24/2006 : 22:50:31
I thought it would take forever to do the rounds tonight but nope, had already voted on a whole load of these already.

See you in the morning.

Josh the cat
Markandlain Posted - 05/24/2006 : 22:11:22
Originally posted by silly

Originally posted by Se�n

Whacked up to here. Special mention to:-

Falken's "Night of Jiving Dead"
Markandlain's "Ribbed. For his pleasure." It's a ribber ripper!

But should it be "for His pleasure?"

VV'd to here, finally.

VV'ed to here.
Thanks for the speckle mentions, I'm pretty impressed with Falken's effort too.
I was working on the premise of "It's not good for man to be alone", so this review is referring to the making of a helpmate for Adam.

Just wait till the next FYC!

Markandlain Posted - 05/24/2006 : 22:05:32
Originally posted by silly

Originally posted by Se�n

Whacked up to here. Special mention to:-

Falken's "Night of Jiving Dead"
Markandlain's "Ribbed. For his pleasure." It's a ribber ripper!

But should it be "for His pleasure?"

VV'd to here, finally.

tortoise Posted - 05/24/2006 : 21:36:58
Vu Vu.

Nugacity is the mother of reinvention. Or sumfink. (Good word, that)
randall Posted - 05/24/2006 : 21:33:27
Cheese_Ed Posted - 05/24/2006 : 18:28:14
Originally posted by bife


chocolate lady - thanks for the praise, appreciated

tortoise - it'll take a while to get used to, but it's been done before. Montgomery and Will Sloan amongst the active reviewers, Al Swearingen and Weeble-head Boy now long departed, all changed their names. I can't even remember what Will or Weeble-head used to call themselves, Al S left Thulsa Doom far behind, only Monty I still think of as Emily ...

Well I agreed with Monty's change in that it was a necessary measure for maintaining anonymity... even if I didn't know who it was and referred to her as a him for a while in the Fourum.

I miss the Thulsa Doom looming in the boards.

You see, you make my point for me, I didn't know Will Sloan and Weeble were other people either! We've lost that connection with the "character" we used to know and (presumably) love.

bife Posted - 05/24/2006 : 16:10:26

chocolate lady - thanks for the praise, appreciated

tortoise - it'll take a while to get used to, but it's been done before. Montgomery and Will Sloan amongst the active reviewers, Al Swearingen and Weeble-head Boy now long departed, all changed their names. I can't even remember what Will or Weeble-head used to call themselves, Al S left Thulsa Doom far behind, only Monty I still think of as Emily ...
lemmycaution Posted - 05/24/2006 : 15:38:20
silly Posted - 05/24/2006 : 14:54:05
Originally posted by Se�n

Whacked up to here. Special mention to:-

Falken's "Night of Jiving Dead"
Markandlain's "Ribbed. For his pleasure." It's a ribber ripper!

But should it be "for His pleasure?"

VV'd to here, finally.
Whippersnapper. Posted - 05/24/2006 : 14:01:33
Is veeed spelt with 3 consecutive es?

And did you know there's a UK place-name with three consecutive Ss?

zulu Posted - 05/24/2006 : 13:08:27
Originally posted by Se�n

Whacked up to here. Special mention to:-

Falken's "Night of Jiving Dead"
Markandlain's "Ribbed. For his pleasure." It's a ribber ripper!

ditto Having seen a couple of zombie movies recently, "Night of Jiving Dead" made me LOL

All voted.

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