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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Falken Posted - 06/19/2006 : 06:13:46

Se�n says:

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it.
Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
randall Posted - 06/22/2006 : 14:02:07
I'm constantly amazed by the ones of mine which get lots of votes and the ones that don't. I can never predict it.
Warzonkey Posted - 06/22/2006 : 13:57:26
Thanks for tips everyone. I have actually noticed that it's often the simpler, snappier reviews that attract more votes, whereas the cleverer ones can get passed over.

Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Just wanted to add that I don't think FYC should be seen as simply about maximising votes.

If you have what you think is a good review, don't be afraid to show it because some people - Tori excepted - won't get it. That's their problem. Some people will get it and enjoy it.

I also like to have top reviews, so I sometimes pick reviews I like for low-scoring films even though I know the review will score less than some other reviews I have in stock.

Basically, don't take votes too seriously.

Don't get me wrong, I don't take the voting seriously at all. It just amuses me sometimes that some of my own favourites get overlooked, and the some of the ones I'm not actually that proud of seem more popular. I was just asking if other people found the same thing (which apparently you do).

Anyway, my Pending list's looking a bit sorry. I need to get back to work.

Josh the cat Posted - 06/22/2006 : 13:55:39
Originally posted by Warzonkey

VV and all that.

An aside...

Not necessarily relating to this round, but I was wondering...

As a relative newbie, I'm grateful for any votes I get. I have been parcipating in this FYC thread for a few weeks now. I have to say that given my (limited) experience on this site I am sometimes perplexed by the voting trends.

What I mean is, I'll put certain reviews forward 'FYC' and I'll have an idea how they're going to be received. But it just doesn't happen that way! There have been reviews that I am so proud of I wish I could fellate myself as a reward (OK, maybe slight exaggeration, but you know where I'm coming from (so to speak)) and they get only one or two votes. And then there'll be others that I think are OK-ish but not really that imaginative or special that get 5 to 15 quick votes.

Do you more experienced FWFRers find this, or can you lot usually tell beforehand which reviews are going to popular?

Personally I gave up guessing what would get the most votes from my FYC set as I never got it right! The way FWFRers vote is a mystery to me. Personally I prefer people to FYC films of a more popularist nature then I may have seen then rather that the more obscure films.

Having said that I sometimes submit a film that only has less than 5 reviews and it gets 5-10 votes in a round.

get what you recieve and don't question it as voting is completely unpredictable. you sometimes see poeple explaining reviews later in a round as they have not gone well, personally I rarely explain my reviews (some may say they are so simplistic that I don't have too).

its fun and thats how I try to look at it fun.

Josh the cat
Whippersnapper. Posted - 06/22/2006 : 11:25:33

Just wanted to add that I don't think FYC should be seen as simply about maximising votes.

If you have what you think is a good review, don't be afraid to show it because some people - Tori excepted - won't get it. That's their problem. Some people will get it and enjoy it.

I also like to have top reviews, so I sometimes pick reviews I like for low-scoring films even though I know the review will score less than some other reviews I have in stock.

Basically, don't take votes too seriously.
ChocolateLady Posted - 06/22/2006 : 07:25:34
Originally posted by chazbo


Warzonkey, I know exactly how you feel. I've been doing fwfr for some time now, but I hadn't discovered the forum until recently. I have many reviews that I like but have received no votes. FYCTH has helped a lot.

Sean's advice is right on. Thanks.

And I've just started a thread for you to get more votes - you deserve them!
chazbo Posted - 06/22/2006 : 06:53:29

Warzonkey, I know exactly how you feel. I've been doing fwfr for some time now, but I hadn't discovered the forum until recently. I have many reviews that I like but have received no votes. FYCTH has helped a lot.

Sean's advice is right on. Thanks.

Yukon Posted - 06/22/2006 : 03:29:06
V & V

Warzonkey, Sean hit it bang on. Follow his advice.
I'm very proud of my Rocket review, but because the movie is only playing in Canada and is about a famous Canadian hockey player, I know it's not going to get many votes from non-Canuck FWFRers. SO I usually try to stick with more popular movies.

I have never been able to predict my top vote getter this round. I thought my Mardonna review would capitalize on World Cup fever and score votes from the many British FWFRers. Yet it's my lowest vote getter this round. Go figure.[23]
thefoxboy Posted - 06/22/2006 : 02:57:36
Sean Posted - 06/22/2006 : 02:31:46

Warzonkey, as Whipper said, aiming low is a good move if you want votes. I.e., a cheap quick joke that's immediately obvious to anyone who reads it - whether they've seen the movie or not - tends to get votes. Originality is also rewarded, recycled jokes don't pull in the votes in the same way.

So, to get maximum votes:-

- Review a movie that everyone has seen.
- Write a review that uses original, clever wordplay.
- More than one level, i.e., double meaning.
- Make it funny.
- Make sure it's simple enough that people who haven't seen the movie get it, and vote because they're so impressed with how original, clever, and funny it is.
- FYCTH it.

There, do that and it should get a quick 30+ in it's first week and continue to pull in the votes for ever after. [5]
benj clews Posted - 06/21/2006 : 23:43:53
Originally posted by Warzonkey

I'll put certain reviews forward 'FYC' and I'll have an idea how they're going to be received. But it just doesn't happen that way! There have been reviews that I am so proud of I wish I could fellate myself as a reward (OK, maybe slight exaggeration, but you know where I'm coming from (so to speak)) and they get only one or two votes. And then there'll be others that I think are OK-ish but not really that imaginative or special that get 5 to 15 quick votes.

Do you more experienced FWFRers find this, or can you lot usually tell beforehand which reviews are going to popular?

Some fwfrs you write and you know they'll rip it up (I'd quote a few of my own, but I'm not one to felate my own trumpet). A lot of stuff, though, I write and it's just seeing how it flies (normally it's about as well as a feather glued to a bowling ball). I'd say with time, as you understand how to get the most from your four words and what fellow members like, you'll start to get more dead certs and less suck-it-and-sees.

Also, it depends on how many people are FYCing that week, I guess. On a good week I've gotten maybe 25 votes from FYC- who knows what I might have gotten the week before or after
Whippersnapper. Posted - 06/21/2006 : 23:43:14
Vamos a ver...

Warzonkey, predicting votes is difficult but basically pandering to the lowest common denominator is the main trick.

Warzonkey Posted - 06/21/2006 : 23:31:52
VV and all that.

An aside...

Not necessarily relating to this round, but I was wondering...

As a relative newbie, I'm grateful for any votes I get. I have been parcipating in this FYC thread for a few weeks now. I have to say that given my (limited) experience on this site I am sometimes perplexed by the voting trends.

What I mean is, I'll put certain reviews forward 'FYC' and I'll have an idea how they're going to be received. But it just doesn't happen that way! There have been reviews that I am so proud of I wish I could fellate myself as a reward (OK, maybe slight exaggeration, but you know where I'm coming from (so to speak)) and they get only one or two votes. And then there'll be others that I think are OK-ish but not really that imaginative or special that get 5 to 15 quick votes.

Do you more experienced FWFRers find this, or can you lot usually tell beforehand which reviews are going to popular?

Josh the cat Posted - 06/21/2006 : 22:49:22
VR&VA[28] <---- I see the curse of the disappearing smilie has struck again!
Cheese_Ed Posted - 06/21/2006 : 21:40:04
Vast Volvo
lemmycaution Posted - 06/21/2006 : 14:35:11
Eyed everyone.

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