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 FYCTH #213

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Falken Posted - 07/13/2006 : 06:37:49

Se�n says:

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it.
Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ChocolateLady Posted - 07/17/2006 : 09:41:17
Originally posted by GHcool

My first FYC in a while:

Colin Farrel and Forrest Witaker co-star in Phone Booth.

Dona Flor E Seus Dois Maridos is about a remarried widow who sleeps with the ghost of her ex-husband.

Hey, GH - you might want to put this into the next round instead.

(Voted anyway!)
Whippersnapper. Posted - 07/17/2006 : 02:03:13
MM0rkeleb Posted - 07/17/2006 : 01:25:40
Xamined and Xtended.
demonic Posted - 07/17/2006 : 01:13:14
softly softly viewy votey

chazbo Posted - 07/17/2006 : 01:08:13
VVed. Been busy all weekend, hope I got everyone.

Sludge Posted - 07/16/2006 : 22:52:06

Warzonkey Posted - 07/16/2006 : 19:55:17
Prodded everyone up to here.
Pope George Ringo Posted - 07/16/2006 : 19:21:06

GHcool Posted - 07/16/2006 : 15:17:44
My first FYC in a while:

Colin Farrel and Forrest Witaker co-star in Phone Booth.

Dona Flor E Seus Dois Maridos is about a remarried widow who sleeps with the ghost of her ex-husband.
ChocolateLady Posted - 07/16/2006 : 14:46:27
Read and rated and getting ready for tomorrow!
BaftaBaby Posted - 07/16/2006 : 13:41:11
hasta la VVista baby!

Caught up with the late stragglers, too

randall Posted - 07/16/2006 : 13:03:03
V&V. Sensei, you lose out this time, because I had already voted for all five. But they're very good!!!
damalc Posted - 07/16/2006 : 02:14:43
RockGolf Posted - 07/15/2006 : 15:24:15
Sorry I've been out of the last few FYCTH's. Been hyperbusy at work, but the good news is I LOVE IT!


Five Easy Phrases


Return to Mayberry is a movie sequel to The Andy Griffith Show, wherein Sherriff Andy Taylor deals with local hicks in an idyllic American community.

How To Go Out On A Date In Queens stars Esai Morales, and takes place in New York. I'm waiting for Esai to appear in Miami and Las Vegas films too...

The Marine stars WWE wrestler John Cena. A "piledriver" in wrestling is where you hold your opponent upside-down from a standing position, then drop to your knees, jamming your opponents neck into the canvas. Done wrong and you can paralyze him.

Disco Sex Party I don't know if this is a soundtrack listing or a cast description.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 07/14/2006 : 21:42:20
"Ship... out of danger...?"

Vulcan's death stirs emotions.

Vulcan Valhalla'd up to here...

Now I vanish to visit my valise before vamoosing on vacation.

Via con dios, Hasta la vista.

and thanks for the correct CL!

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