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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MM0rkeleb Posted - 07/27/2006 : 06:01:46

Sean says:

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it.
Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Falken Posted - 07/31/2006 : 05:07:14
V&V'd to n'Yar...

(Thanks demonic! )

demonic Posted - 07/31/2006 : 02:38:54

Whipper - I've had "pop idle" written down for a couple of weeks and couldn't work out what to do with it... inspired reviewing!

Looks like Falken got his century....

thefoxboy Posted - 07/30/2006 : 23:32:58
VedVed to here
Josh the cat Posted - 07/30/2006 : 23:21:32

Originally posted by R o � k G o 1 f

Please accept this note excusing Rock Golf's tardiness. Signed, my mother.

You may have wanted to actually inclued the url in the hyperlink it makes it work better

See you tomorrow

Josh the cat
BaftaBaby Posted - 07/30/2006 : 23:05:37
NB to Falken: you already had my vote for that snappy FWFR!

VV but will check back for stragglers.

MM0rkeleb Posted - 07/30/2006 : 18:10:14

Originally posted by R o � k G o 1 f

An older skewing list this time. My Waking Life will only make sense to North Americans over 40. People are funny that way.

Not true! I'm well under 40, and not only does it make sense to me, but I was recently trying to figure out a review along the very same lines. I didn't think something that simple would actually work.
chazbo Posted - 07/30/2006 : 17:45:36
Double V'd.

Warzonkey Posted - 07/30/2006 : 14:45:12
V V V V up to here.
Whippersnapper. Posted - 07/30/2006 : 14:24:17
Sean Posted - 07/30/2006 : 12:07:21
VVV. There must be a few planning on doing the voting rounds tomorrow.

Sorry Falken, can't help.
Falken Posted - 07/29/2006 : 22:04:30
I've been on kind of a bender lately, so I haven't been Fwiffing all that much...


(Psst... I just need 1 vote in order to make my Fahrenheit 9/11 review my 1st review to get 100 votes! )


RockGolf Posted - 07/29/2006 : 21:18:56
Please accept this note excusing Rock Golf's tardiness. Signed, my mother.

An older skewing list this time. My Waking Life will only make sense to North Americans over 40. People are funny that way.

Spencer's Mountain was about a large, poor, but happy family living in rural Virginia. If that sound like a famous 70's TV series, it's because the movie was written by the same guy who wrote the series and both were written about his own family.

Been busy at work and it seems to have turned off my creative tap. I'll see if I can find some new inspiration soon. But I'm thisclose to getting an average of 10 votes per review. Which, considering I finally reached 1000 reviews, I'm additionally proud of.
lemmycaution Posted - 07/29/2006 : 20:47:14
Caught everyone including that tardy damalc.
TitanPa Posted - 07/29/2006 : 16:03:09
BaftaBaby Posted - 07/29/2006 : 08:26:10
lotsa vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

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