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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MM0rkeleb Posted - 09/05/2006 : 03:01:05
Wow, never thought one of these would start on a Tuesday ...


Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it.
Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
demonic Posted - 09/07/2006 : 01:14:44
Glad to be able to vote again! I hit both rounds in case there was any overlap.

Favourites of the round are Warzonkey and Chazbo, but my top review is Bean's Friday the 13th review. Excellent!
Josh the cat Posted - 09/07/2006 : 00:08:05
VR&VA both threads.

Back to normal in the morning, hopefully.

Josh the cat
Sludge Posted - 09/06/2006 : 21:36:51
Uh... vvvv too
rabid kazook Posted - 09/06/2006 : 20:05:36
I guess I could also put up my last round.

Beanmimo Posted - 09/06/2006 : 17:28:49

Gotcha all to here.

Morkeleb, I hit all your previously so sorry I couldn't add to your vote count today.
MM0rkeleb Posted - 09/06/2006 : 17:23:56
Same ones as last time

I hit everybody who entered last time already.

And now I got all the new ones.
Warzonkey Posted - 09/06/2006 : 16:50:58
Voted up to here.
silly Posted - 09/06/2006 : 15:31:59
Hi y'all,

I cast a bunch of lurker votes, I'll try and enter next round. Busy week (office move, heh) so we'll see.

Did the smilies change again?

Koli Posted - 09/06/2006 : 14:04:54
On the assumption that I've got as many votes as I'm going to get for the last lot...'s another lot
BaftaBaby Posted - 09/06/2006 : 09:40:59
Originally posted by Beanmimo

I can vote again and have done.

Scattering 'em like a demented farmer at sowing time

Beanmimo Posted - 09/06/2006 : 09:27:19

I can vote again and have done.
Josh the cat Posted - 09/05/2006 : 23:30:24
Originally posted by Randall

Originally posted by Sludge

I'm holding at 227... is it okay to link from here anyway? I'll VV both threads 'cause I don't remember how far I got with 227.

Only problem is, once you change your FYC, it's changed!

I think Sludge was saying he will vote for people who posted in either of the threads, even if they don't post in both rounds. You are right no matter where the link comes from the FYC page only holds the current 5 reviews.

Josh the cat
Warzonkey Posted - 09/05/2006 : 23:16:11
Yeah, what they just said.
lemmycaution Posted - 09/05/2006 : 22:22:31
Didn't get a chance to vote last round.

I'll keep my former five this time as well.
demonic Posted - 09/05/2006 : 21:22:15
I'm going to stick with my last round too - hopefully more folks will do the same this round as I didn't get the chance to vote.

Another look

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