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T O P I C    R E V I E W
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 11/23/2006 : 06:02:56

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
BaftaBaby Posted - 11/29/2006 : 08:31:24
Originally posted by Conan The Camper

V & V.
Off to thank BB & JTC.

Well, WHAT a nice way to wake up of a Wednesday morn Thanks, Campy!

Conan The Westy Posted - 11/29/2006 : 07:01:28
V & V.
Off to thank BB & JTC.
ChocolateLady Posted - 11/29/2006 : 06:52:04
Originally posted by Conan The Camper

Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by ChocolateLady

And once again, Conan comes into the contest.

Conan, those are the same reviews you posted last round. Can't you follow simple rules?!

As I hadn't entered the previous round I hadn't violated the rules in that way.
However I have a dark confession to make... I didn't get around to everyone before the round finished so I'm busy voting on all the people who entered #251. (I also visited 100 of CL's reviews and gave many of them a hit with the voting stick - thanks for putting in the link.)
I know that some of the reviews will have changed for the next round but if I don't enter #252 if should even it all up.

Oh, so that was YOU! Well, to be fair, you owe Josh and Bafta some votes as well - they put your link into #250.

(And thanks - much appreciated!)
Conan The Westy Posted - 11/29/2006 : 06:47:41
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by ChocolateLady

And once again, Conan comes into the contest.

Conan, those are the same reviews you posted last round. Can't you follow simple rules?!

As I hadn't entered the previous round I hadn't violated the rules in that way.
However I have a dark confession to make... I didn't get around to everyone before the round finished so I'm busy voting on all the people who entered #251. (I also visited 100 of CL's reviews and gave many of them a hit with the voting stick - thanks for putting in the link.)
I know that some of the reviews will have changed for the next round but if I don't enter #252 if should even it all up.
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 11/27/2006 : 05:12:38
vv'ed to here.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 11/27/2006 : 02:18:28
lemmycaution Posted - 11/27/2006 : 01:52:23
Whippersnapper. Posted - 11/26/2006 : 23:48:48

Josh the cat Posted - 11/26/2006 : 23:04:34
V R & V A
See you in the morning.

Josh the cat
demonic Posted - 11/26/2006 : 18:09:38
All dun.

Yukon: Really liked your "Carnival Knowledge", but don't see the point of your "Defiant Ones" review - it's obviously more than one because the title is plural, signifying two or more defiant folk, surely?
randall Posted - 11/26/2006 : 14:13:33

Ah, Steve Goodman. I can remember seeing a set of his back in 1971 at a tiny folk club in Athens, GA. [Although we were actually normal-sized folk, ta-BOOM!] I believe he performed "City of New Orleans" that night -- this was before Arlo Guthrie made it a big big hit -- but what I remember most is that the club only sat about 50 people, and Goodman was just a few feet away from us: no amplification, nothing but a guitar and a songwriting master. We knew the proprietor, so we found ourselves at a gathering later with Goodman -- not that damn many fewer people at the party! -- and marveled at how quick and funny he was. We, who had never heard of Steve Goodman before [and as far as we knew, he was just a friend of the owner's who could play the guitar and had some really good songs], judged him a lesser-known John Prine who would certainly become a Jim Croce-ish star one day. What a tragedy that two of those three gentlemen left us far too soon -- and keep on keepin' on, Mr. Prine!
Airbolt Posted - 11/26/2006 : 12:42:07

Thanks to alma for "Rocquefort Files" - it made me laugh
LadyMeerkat Posted - 11/25/2006 : 07:52:15
ChocolateLady Posted - 11/25/2006 : 07:05:38
Originally posted by Whippersnapper

And, although I've heard of Pullman, I'm not sure what its got to do with snakes. You wanna share it with us?

The movie is "Snakes on a TRAIN", and my review was Pullman Pythons. Never mind. Some people got it.

I've voted for everyone up till now, and am getting ready for Monday's round.

(And yes, I did make Turkey this weekend. Mind you, it was only turkey legs and we had it on Friday night instead of Thursday. Still... )
w22dheartlivie Posted - 11/25/2006 : 04:50:24
Victually Vanquished (Thanksgiving feast consumed)

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