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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ChocolateLady Posted - 01/08/2007 : 05:51:12

Sean says: "The time has come, the Walrus said... "
Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ChocolateLady Posted - 01/11/2007 : 06:10:46
Originally posted by wildhartlivie

Originally posted by redPen

(Actually, I was gonna try and start the next thread this afternoon, just so Choc wouldn't feel so embarrassed!)

geez, I wanna get in on this early bird thing too!!

Yes, well... you'd have to be quite fast to beat out aahaa. I post when I get to work at just before 8am my time. Since Israel is two hours ahead of the UK, I'm right in line to start the thread. Don't know where aahaa is or why she's awake to start these threads so often.
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 01/11/2007 : 05:37:45
just popped in to say that I've veeved folks!

My "UNder performer" has performed well, thanks!
I'm damned that Saddamning wasn't so damning to do better!!
w22dheartlivie Posted - 01/10/2007 : 23:22:45
Originally posted by redPen

(Actually, I was gonna try and start the next thread this afternoon, just so Choc wouldn't feel so embarrassed!)

geez, I wanna get in on this early bird thing too!!
demonic Posted - 01/10/2007 : 23:18:48
V&Very good round everyone!

BaftaBaby Posted - 01/10/2007 : 19:34:08

randall Posted - 01/10/2007 : 18:58:28
Josh the cat Posted - 01/10/2007 : 17:19:52
Originally posted by Josh_the_cat


Josh the cat

may be late in the morning, i'm in london for a couple days
Josh the cat Posted - 01/10/2007 : 17:18:39

Josh the cat
redPen Posted - 01/10/2007 : 13:40:19
(Actually, I was gonna try and start the next thread this afternoon, just so Choc wouldn't feel so embarrassed!)
ChocolateLady Posted - 01/10/2007 : 08:47:50
Didn't get to a computer yesterday but I see I only had a couple of people left to hit today. Got everyone.

Looking forward to tomorrow.

(And I promise I'll try to wait until after 6am UK time to post, if I'm the one who starts the round then.)
w22dheartlivie Posted - 01/10/2007 : 02:04:42
Voted stragglers. Loved rabid kazoo's Usual Suspects review!!
BiggerBoat Posted - 01/09/2007 : 22:29:18
v & v'ed baby.
redPen Posted - 01/09/2007 : 18:58:33
You've all been smacked.
rabid kazook Posted - 01/09/2007 : 17:44:17
Rivers of Babylon.
RockGolf Posted - 01/09/2007 : 15:00:20
Better late than never. (Link amended.)

Includes a spoiler review of "Primeval", a belated "Nativity Story" review, and a literary review of "New Channels for Sockeye", a documentary on efforts to allow Sockeye salmon more easily swim upstream as fast as possible so they can spawn, then die exhausted from their effort.

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