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 Sean's FYCTH #269

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ali Posted - 01/25/2007 : 06:09:14

Sean says:
Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
The only rule is to not use the ones from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00am FWFR time, whichever comes next.

The Awesome Ali
The Lovely wildhartlivie
The Scrumptious ChocolateLady
The Heartbroken redPen
The Solicitous Josh The Cat
The Foxy thefoxboy
The Needlessly Informative BaftaBabe
The Acceptable chazbo
The Chochem Whippersnapper
The Impossible Salopian
The Clean-Shaven AIRBOLT
The Randy Randall
The Grating Cheese Ed
The Canadian Bacon Yukon
The Ever-Faithful Koli
The Boisterous Beanmimo
The Angelic demonic
The Spectral Gentleman Ghost
The Salacious Sludge
The Potato-Loving Paddy C
The Macabre M0rkeleb
The Celebratory lemmycaution
The Cheeky MisterBadIdea
His Holiness Pope George Ringo
The Voluptous turrell
The Sophisticated damalc
The Motherboy george kaplan

And the tardy rest below...
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
redPen Posted - 01/29/2007 : 19:10:36
Oh, gotcha! I was tryin to connect "heartbroken" with "redPen," as you seem to have attached the adjectives to the screen names on most folks.

Sorry for bein' slow, and of course . . .

Ali Posted - 01/29/2007 : 06:39:48
Originally posted by redPen

Got everybody, finally! High 5s to Yuky and BadIdea!!!!

(Say, Ali, why is it exactly that I'm "heartbroken"? I feel fine!)

Well since my baby left me,
I've had a new place to dwell...

w22dheartlivie Posted - 01/29/2007 : 05:52:49
demonic Posted - 01/29/2007 : 03:55:44
Yukon Posted - 01/29/2007 : 03:39:55
V&V to here.

Thanks Josh for the votes, just returned the favour....
redPen Posted - 01/29/2007 : 02:59:02
Got everybody, finally! High 5s to Yuky and BadIdea!!!!

(Say, Ali, why is it exactly that I'm "heartbroken"? I feel fine!)

Whippersnapper. Posted - 01/29/2007 : 00:39:53

Congratulations to Airbolt, Beanie and GC on their excellent taste, and The Adjectival Ali for providing the lists and being a Yiddish-speaking Turk. Don't see many about, do you?

Josh the cat Posted - 01/28/2007 : 23:20:43

Koli was the pick of the round with 5/5 from me.

See you in the morning

Josh the cat
Airbolt Posted - 01/28/2007 : 20:59:46
Wow , just noticed i'm clean shaven

Or , as the roadside ads used to say.....

If you .....
try the Brakes....
and they...
aren't working...
Burmah ...
BaftaBaby Posted - 01/28/2007 : 20:45:07
veedy veedy good!

PS: Ta v'ry much, CL

Koli Posted - 01/28/2007 : 19:58:44
Done & dusted.
ChocolateLady Posted - 01/28/2007 : 09:41:26
Originally posted by BaftaBabe

Originally posted by ChocolateLady

I'm back, and I've hit everyone.

Are you SURE you mean everyone!

PS: Welcome Back!

Yes, I am sure. But I just in case, checked your entry and decided that one of your reviews needed a vote from me that didn't get one before.

(Tomorrow is another day, Scarlett!)
BaftaBaby Posted - 01/28/2007 : 08:46:46
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

I'm back, and I've hit everyone.

Are you SURE you mean everyone!

PS: Welcome Back!

ChocolateLady Posted - 01/28/2007 : 06:52:16
I'm back, and I've hit everyone.
Airbolt Posted - 01/27/2007 : 22:33:28
vv yes ,agree - the Jewels et Jim from Whippersnapper is priceless

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