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 Sean's FYCTH - #279

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
w22dheartlivie Posted - 03/01/2007 : 06:25:28
Sean says: These are the NEW(ish) rules, they really RULE - ish!
  • Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
  • Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
  • Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
  • Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
  • You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
  • The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

ali - Early in the morning about the break of day the earlybird is working
Conan - I was standing on the corner in Winslow Arizona, such a fine sight to see
wildhartlivie - Some dance to remember, some dance to forget currently listening to the Eagles
ChocolateLady - Raven hair and ruby lips, sparks fly from her fingertips
Bernie - Everybody's talking 'bout the new kid in town
Josh the cat - And I know my life would look all right if I could see it on the silver screen
Whippersnapper - She just wasn't another woman, and I couldn't keep from comin' on
Sean - I want to sleep with you in the desert tonight with a billion stars all around
BaftaBabe - She gave more than she's taken, and I'll go down doing the Hollywood Waltz
turrell - Something makes me turn around and stay and I can't tell you why
Salopian - I'm hanging on to my peace of mind
Cheese Ed - Who can go the distance? We'll find out in the long run...
Yukon - You been out ridin' fences for so long now
Koli - Some people like to stay out late, some folks can't hold out that long
lemmycaution - Oh, they tell me there's a place over yonder, cool water running through the burning sand
Shiv - There are stars in the southern sky
AIRBOLT - I'm going back in time and it's a sweet dream
redPen - She was the pride and the passion of Dixie
demonic - The full moon is calling, the fever is high, and the wicked wind whispers in moans
RockGolf - Life in the fast lane
chazbo - You know I've always been a dreamer
The Prof - I don't know why fortune smiles on some, and lets the rest go free

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
w22dheartlivie Posted - 03/05/2007 : 02:34:44
Airbolt Posted - 03/05/2007 : 01:18:10
lemmycaution Posted - 03/05/2007 : 01:06:13
See ya all tomorrow.

Josh, the muse will return. Hang in.
BaftaBaby Posted - 03/04/2007 : 23:25:42

Josh the cat Posted - 03/04/2007 : 23:22:51

See you in the morning

Josh the cat

And now I've got Beany as well!!
Sean Posted - 03/04/2007 : 22:57:04
lemmycaution Posted - 03/04/2007 : 22:11:18
Originally posted by Beanmimo

Voted page two


Stranger Than Fiction (2006)
Novel claims disturb taxman.

Well done Lem

Thanks Whipper, I think most did get to my page.

Yep. Got to your page.

Thanks for the nod, Bean, it gave me a peaceful, easy feeling.
Beanmimo Posted - 03/04/2007 : 21:23:12
Voted page two


Stranger Than Fiction (2006)
Novel claims disturb taxman.

Well done Lem

Thanks Whipper, I think most did get to my page.
Whippersnapper. Posted - 03/04/2007 : 20:56:19
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

Voted for everyone. See you tomorrow!

(And a Happy Purim to you all!)

Lots of thanks, Chocky!


By the way, I hope everyone caught Beanie. He wasn't on Livie's summary so I almost missed him myself.

And Yuke's "Murder, She Goat" gets a rare Whippa special mention.

ChocolateLady Posted - 03/04/2007 : 11:52:50
Voted for everyone. See you tomorrow!

(And a Happy Purim to you all!)
Koli Posted - 03/04/2007 : 11:28:40
done & dusted
Conan The Westy Posted - 03/04/2007 : 09:38:59
chazbo Posted - 03/03/2007 : 16:21:58
V'd 'n' V'd.

demonic Posted - 03/03/2007 : 14:17:22
All voted!
redPen Posted - 03/03/2007 : 04:23:22
Got to everybody, lots o' gold in them thar reviews!

The Eagles rock! If only they'd get themselves into the studio . . .

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