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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sean Posted - 04/23/2007 : 05:54:51

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Koli Posted - 04/26/2007 : 19:49:55
Originally posted by Se�n

VVV. Favourite is Koli's one for Deliverance.

Koli Posted - 04/26/2007 : 19:44:38
A thousand apologies for failing to vote. I had a catastrophic diary failure (forgot I had a dinner to go to last night).

I'll make up for it by sitting out the next one but voting in lurkeresque fashion.
MM0rkeleb Posted - 04/26/2007 : 17:38:50
Unfortunately a bad cold left me unable to finish VV'ing, so I'll lurker vote next round.
Sean Posted - 04/26/2007 : 06:08:22
VVV. Favourite is Koli's one for Deliverance.
w22dheartlivie Posted - 04/26/2007 : 04:04:38
Good night Gracie

bife's Alive review: RU being served
Morkel0b's The Day After Tomorrow: An Incovenient Fiction

Sludge Posted - 04/26/2007 : 03:35:06
V & V
thefoxboy Posted - 04/26/2007 : 00:46:56
Originally posted by bife


Pick of the round for me is Morkeleb's "An Inconvenient Fiction" for Day After Tomorrow

With honourable mention for Tori's "Dupree's a crowd"

Taking nothing away from Tori's great review.
I had it declined as a dupe(still sitting there too) and it wasn't on site. Checking the ID number of Tori's review, it must have been in her decline pile cause hers was written before mine.

Nice work Tori.
bife Posted - 04/26/2007 : 00:41:04

Pick of the round for me is Morkeleb's "An Inconvenient Fiction" for Day After Tomorrow

With honourable mention for Tori's "Dupree's a crowd"
Josh the cat Posted - 04/25/2007 : 23:22:50

Josh the cat
Whippersnapper. Posted - 04/25/2007 : 22:47:56

chazbo Posted - 04/25/2007 : 22:36:23
Done and done.

BaftaBaby Posted - 04/25/2007 : 22:32:27
Say Goodnight, Gracie.


lemmycaution Posted - 04/25/2007 : 21:31:42
Have V&V for neither Tories nor Whigs.
Chris C Posted - 04/25/2007 : 21:10:02
All done to here.

Apologies to Rockgolf - it wasn't a copy review, I don't know the film he reviewed.

P.S. A big welcome back to Pope George Ringo. I haven't seen him around for a while but maybe I haven't been looking.
demonic Posted - 04/25/2007 : 20:44:50
Seen and smacked

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