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 Sean's FYCTH #302

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 05/21/2007 : 06:00:44

Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemmycaution Posted - 05/24/2007 : 15:26:56
Now that we all know French.....
randall Posted - 05/24/2007 : 11:09:32
Originally posted by thefoxboy

Originally posted by BiggerBoat

Originally posted by thefoxboy

Originally posted by Randall


Boat, your Jaws review deserves a spot in the top 100.

I don't get it. I get the pun but not the review.

Yeah, well I think there are a lot of reviews that deserve a spot in the top 100 but it ain't gonna happen. Thanks anyway though Randall, much appreciated.

What can I say foxy - it's poisson, french for fish, and IV, four. And it looks like poison ivy.

Yep, I knew the poison ivy thing, I just don't know french.

Me neither, but I know restaurants!
zulu Posted - 05/24/2007 : 09:23:26
Originally posted by Chris C

Originally posted by zulu

Caught up with Rockgolf and Biggerboat.

I like RG's Diesel vehicle.

Got RG & BB

Another Diesel vehicle review for you.

Seemed only fair to hit it!
lemmycaution Posted - 05/24/2007 : 01:49:13

Best wishes CC.

demonic Posted - 05/24/2007 : 01:14:56
All done.
thefoxboy Posted - 05/24/2007 : 01:07:18
Originally posted by BiggerBoat

Originally posted by thefoxboy

Originally posted by Randall


Boat, your Jaws review deserves a spot in the top 100.

I don't get it. I get the pun but not the review.

Yeah, well I think there are a lot of reviews that deserve a spot in the top 100 but it ain't gonna happen. Thanks anyway though Randall, much appreciated.

What can I say foxy - it's poisson, french for fish, and IV, four. And it looks like poison ivy.

Yep, I knew the poison ivy thing, I just don't know french.
rabid kazook Posted - 05/24/2007 : 00:36:25
Originally posted by Whippersnapper


As our Rabid Kazook, indeed our only Kazook, is fond of the "King And Oy" pun, maybe he would consider voting for my much earlier version?

Sorry W, I must get more familiar with your reviews ASAP.

BiggerBoat Posted - 05/24/2007 : 00:10:37
Originally posted by thefoxboy

Originally posted by Randall


Boat, your Jaws review deserves a spot in the top 100.

I don't get it. I get the pun but not the review.

Yeah, well I think there are a lot of reviews that deserve a spot in the top 100 but it ain't gonna happen. Thanks anyway though Randall, much appreciated.

What can I say foxy - it's poisson, french for fish, and IV, four. And it looks like poison ivy.
Josh the cat Posted - 05/23/2007 : 23:32:32

see you all in the morning

Josh the cat

nightnight its sleep time
Whippersnapper. Posted - 05/23/2007 : 23:12:54


As our Rabid Kazook, indeed our only Kazook, is fond of the "King And Oy" pun, maybe he would consider voting for my much earlier version?

thefoxboy Posted - 05/23/2007 : 23:03:53
Originally posted by Randall


Boat, your Jaws review deserves a spot in the top 100.

I don't get it. I get the pun but not the review.
randall Posted - 05/23/2007 : 22:31:21

Boat, your Jaws review deserves a spot in the top 100.
BiggerBoat Posted - 05/23/2007 : 22:09:23
done and dusted
chazbo Posted - 05/23/2007 : 20:05:32
Got all.

BaftaBaby Posted - 05/23/2007 : 19:52:54

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