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 MIHAI Round 14

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ali Posted - 07/04/2007 : 10:39:43

MIHAI - Monty's "I have an Idea"

For those of you with multiple reviews for one movie try your luck and post them here!!

If you don't have multiples just post one you think deserves an airing.

Next round starts next wednesday at 9am FWFR Time.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
thefoxboy Posted - 07/11/2007 : 23:12:49
Finished the voting I had started earlier in the week.

Monty, I think you had done BC before, not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just that I have voted on most of them.
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 07/11/2007 : 08:00:57
lemmycaution Posted - 07/10/2007 : 17:06:03
Beanmimo Posted - 07/10/2007 : 16:32:01

I have visited you all and given you compensatory votes.
Whippersnapper. Posted - 07/10/2007 : 14:43:35
Originally posted by zulu you are suggesting that Uma and Bill made the "beast with two backs" [which play Chazbo?] and this is a pun because the film is a double Bill...

I ain't sayin' nothin' till my lawyer gets here.

'Cept that I voted.

ChocolateLady Posted - 07/10/2007 : 07:14:51
Originally posted by Sludge

Bambi Meets Godzilla

(yeah, late, but I had so much fun last round)

I loved "Bang for the Buck" - that really should have more votes than it has.

(Voted for everyone.)
chazbo Posted - 07/10/2007 : 07:05:52
Originally posted by zulu you are suggesting that Uma and Bill made the "beast with two backs" [which play Chazbo?] and this is a pun because the film is a double Bill...

I dunno. Could you give me Moor hints?

Montgomery Posted - 07/09/2007 : 18:34:49
Originally posted by Sludge

Got through everyone, then got to Monty's... oh my goodness, she's obsessed. So, I'm working on those and trying to remember the details.

Question (not testing you, I just don't remember), on the televised version Judd Nelson and others say "flick you!" Was this the original script or is that a terribly uncreative dub job?

Speaking of obsessed. I just looked through your Bambi Meets Godzilla reviews. You have quite a few of those, too.

Nice work.

EM :)
Montgomery Posted - 07/09/2007 : 18:30:44
Originally posted by Sludge

Got through everyone, then got to Monty's... oh my goodness, she's obsessed. So, I'm working on those and trying to remember the details.

Question (not testing you, I just don't remember), on the televised version Judd Nelson and others say "flick you!" Was this the original script or is that a terribly uncreative dub job?

Terribly uncreative dub job. Unless, uh, do they watch a movie during the morning's festivities? I don't remember that, but perhaps that was what he meant, by "flick you!"

EM :)
Sludge Posted - 07/09/2007 : 17:32:26
Got through everyone, then got to Monty's... oh my goodness, she's obsessed. So, I'm working on those and trying to remember the details.

Question (not testing you, I just don't remember), on the televised version Judd Nelson and others say "flick you!" Was this the original script or is that a terribly uncreative dub job?
zulu Posted - 07/08/2007 : 22:36:56 you are suggesting that Uma and Bill made the "beast with two backs" [which play Chazbo?] and this is a pun because the film is a double Bill...
Whippersnapper. Posted - 07/08/2007 : 12:27:57
Originally posted by chazbo

Originally posted by Ali

Uma tops Bill - The Bride tops Bill in the second film, right? Right. Uma Thurman also tops the bill, right? Right. Double meaning. Great stuff.

Additionally, if you go back to Shakespearean English, top, or tup, has a sexual connotation, though it's usually used with the male as subject. But since the traditional male samurai figure is reworked as female in Tarantino's film(s)...

I don't remember if there is any tupping in, or implied by, the film. Nevertheless, I had to throw in my two cents worth.

Exactly what I was implying!

demonic Posted - 07/08/2007 : 11:37:52
All seen... many clicked
chazbo Posted - 07/08/2007 : 03:06:35
Originally posted by Ali

Uma tops Bill - The Bride tops Bill in the second film, right? Right. Uma Thurman also tops the bill, right? Right. Double meaning. Great stuff.

Additionally, if you go back to Shakespearean English, top, or tup, has a sexual connotation, though it's usually used with the male as subject. But since the traditional male samurai figure is reworked as female in Tarantino's film(s)...

I don't remember if there is any tupping in, or implied by, the film. Nevertheless, I had to throw in my two cents worth.

zulu Posted - 07/07/2007 : 10:41:48
Originally posted by Sludge

Bambi Meets Godzilla

(yeah, late, but I had so much fun last round)

Some good stuff there Sludge.

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