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 Top Ten Round III - Phase 2 - Hazie

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Beanmimo Posted - 11/30/2007 : 11:56:11
Following on from the previous two rounds of this game, where reviewers were asked to post their ten favourite reviews of, firstly, theirs, and, then, of others, here is the third round where I�d like to invite you all to post your ten favourite reviews of one particular reviewer. That person, in this particular round, is

Hazie, who has not been to active this year except for a recent approval in sept

In two weeks time, Hazie picks a new reviewer to showcase, and then, after two weeks, that person picks someone else, and so on and so forth. The only rule is that a reviewer cannot showcase the previous two fwiffers.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemmycaution Posted - 12/04/2007 : 14:42:38


Pulp Fiction

Brain That Wouldn't Die

Santa Claus Conquers the Martians


Reservoir Dogs

History of Violence

Before Sunrise

Before Sunset

Finding Neverland
Beanmimo Posted - 12/04/2007 : 12:15:31
Originally posted by Josh_the_cat

I would just like to point out that the first post in the thread has changed since I made my original comment. The person has been changed from a regular in the fourum to a person not so regular in the fourum.

Your point of order worked so!!!

Nice one JTC.
Ali Posted - 12/04/2007 : 11:27:06

One possible alternative is if I choose noncentz after 2 weeks I would then choose again or the creator of the idea starts the process off again by making a new choice, I forget who did start the whole idea off? they could be the 'stand in noncentz' for the examples given?

I started it, and I would have no qualms boosting it off again in case a reviewer showcased doesn't frequent the boards. Because I'm nice like that.
Ali Posted - 11/30/2007 : 14:44:48

Oh please, no worries at all - I was flattered.

I am sorry to hear about the bereavement, too, by the way.
Ali Posted - 11/30/2007 : 14:04:41

Oh, Beanmimo - I am honoured, my friend. But I had proposed in my original post that, while showcasing a new fwiffer, we not nominate at least the two that came before in the game, in order to quell any possible impressions people might have of mutual backslapping.

If it is not too much of a bother, may I kindly ask you to nominate someone else?

And Josh - your issues are valid. However fwiffers think we should proceed, I am all for it. This is to showcase members of our community - I am open to ALL suggestions (no, Whippersnapper, not the one about my doing a lapdance for you).
Beanmimo Posted - 11/30/2007 : 13:41:24
Hazie's Top Ten


Superman Returns

Sting 2


The Terminator

The Last Temptation Of Christ

A Scanner Darkly

Schlindlers List

Mary Poppins

The Brain that wouldn't Die

Josh the cat Posted - 11/30/2007 : 12:53:01
This is a 'game' that I have watched evolve and I like the idea, there is a small issue though.
What happens if, for example, Ali or another chosen person chooses a non fourumite or a retired reviewer?

E.g. I may choose to highlight the excellent work of noncentz, yet as a reviewer noncentz is 'on extended leave'.

As far as I can see the game will only highlight fourum fwfrers and then a select few amongst that group.

I know that nobody is asking me to participate or expecting me to vote etc, but the 'game' is very selective on the people up for selection as I see it.

One possible alternative is if I choose noncentz after 2 weeks I would then choose again or the creator of the idea starts the process off again by making a new choice, I forget who did start the whole idea off? they could be the 'stand in noncentz' for the examples given?

If these questions have already been discussed and answered sorry for rabbiting on


Josh the cat

I would just like to point out that the first post in the thread has changed since I made my original comment. The person has been changed from a regular in the fourum to a person not so regular in the fourum.

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