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T O P I C    R E V I E W
RockGolf Posted - 07/10/2009 : 20:00:31
UPDATE: Over 5000 11,000 17,000 22,500 33,500
have played the Four Word Film Review Game
since being posted on Jul 16/09!
Reviews mostly favourable: Average rating: 4/5.

Anyone else here try this site? It's a set of timed fill-in-the-blank quizzes on everything from the complete list of element (in latin) to Susan Sarandon films.

Warning: Be prepared to spend hours there, once you've started.

I thought it might not be a bad idea to submit a FWFR-themed game. The idea would be that you'd be given review and perhaps year of the film, and have to guess the movie title. (To start, the top clean vote-getting reviews from each of the past 30 years with a 10-minute limit.)

It would get some nice publicity for the site too, since popular new quizzes can get 1,000s of players on the first day.

The AFI Lifetime Acheivement quiz just posted today, for example, already has been played over 9,000 times.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
ChocolateLady Posted - 07/22/2009 : 07:18:25
Another thought - if the Sporcle game has become so popular, just think how much people would enjoy a BOOK of these reviews?????
ChocolateLady Posted - 07/22/2009 : 07:17:34
Originally posted by Ro�k G01f, MD+
Actually, it's good to have new blood.

With this, I agree.

(New blood means our not-yet-in-the-top-500 reviews might get enough votes to push them up there!)
RockGolf Posted - 07/21/2009 : 12:53:48
Good spotting. As of this morning, the top 8 reviews are all from newbies. Migawd! Their taking over. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! My own plan for world domination has come back to destroy me! Oh, how ironic! Oh how melodramatic! Oh how cliche!

Actually, it's good to have new blood.
ChocolateLady Posted - 07/21/2009 : 08:06:23
One particularly good newbie from Sporkle is Just Because.
BaftaBaby Posted - 07/20/2009 : 19:38:11
Originally posted by Ro�k G01f, MD+

Originally posted by Cheese_Ed

RockG, how did you submit that quiz? Are you an admin on that site or something?

Nope, just sent 'em an e-mail with the premise & a bit of background on the site. I selected the reviews myself, mostly using the top 500.

The e-mail included the clues twice. Once with just the year & review, then again with year, review & answer. (I figured if they got to play it themselves, they'd get a better feel for how it would go.)

They replied within three days that they liked it - they really REALLLY liked it - and sent me a link to the page before it got posted on the main Sporcle page. That allowed me to make a couple of typo corrections (those listed near the top of the thread) and the next day it got posted on the main page.

I specifically asked that the credit go (with a link) to the Four Word Film Review, rather than myself. After all, over 90% of the reviews listed are not mine. (Which is a sneaky way of saying that three of the review in the quiz are mine. Sorry, Cheese_Ed - if they want a sequel, I will try to ensure your oeuvre is included.)

At last count, it's now been played over 40,000 times. But more importantly, as Salopian points out, we've got an above average number of new contributors this week.

Check the latest 500 reviews and pay attention to the number of new names. Toss the good ones some votes.

I've asked if they are interested in a sequel (or series of sequels), and if so how long before the next one or between editions. (I'd like to keep it to about every 2-3 months. No use boring people with it.) I think we can do themed series, such as certain genres, time periods, etc. My preference for the next two would be animated films or movie sequels.

Ro�k G01f, MD+ - You're a sporacle star

Make sure benj and Yukon are up to speed with this -- it just might help the book's chances!

I think animated would be a great follow-up!

RockGolf Posted - 07/20/2009 : 18:44:38
Originally posted by Cheese_Ed

RockG, how did you submit that quiz? Are you an admin on that site or something?

Nope, just sent 'em an e-mail with the premise & a bit of background on the site. I selected the reviews myself, mostly using the top 500.

The e-mail included the clues twice. Once with just the year & review, then again with year, review & answer. (I figured if they got to play it themselves, they'd get a better feel for how it would go.)

They replied within three days that they liked it - they really REALLLY liked it - and sent me a link to the page before it got posted on the main Sporcle page. That allowed me to make a couple of typo corrections (those listed near the top of the thread) and the next day it got posted on the main page.

I specifically asked that the credit go (with a link) to the Four Word Film Review, rather than myself. After all, over 90% of the reviews listed are not mine. (Which is a sneaky way of saying that three of the review in the quiz are mine. Sorry, Cheese_Ed - if they want a sequel, I will try to ensure your oeuvre is included.)

At last count, it's now been played over 40,000 times. But more importantly, as Salopian points out, we've got an above average number of new contributors this week.

Check the latest 500 reviews and pay attention to the number of new names. Toss the good ones some votes.

I've asked if they are interested in a sequel (or series of sequels), and if so how long before the next one or between editions. (I'd like to keep it to about every 2-3 months. No use boring people with it.) I think we can do themed series, such as certain genres, time periods, etc. My preference for the next two would be animated films or movie sequels.
MguyXXV Posted - 07/20/2009 : 06:53:37
28/33 - and I missed the Kramer one! (Just kidding.)
Cheese_Ed Posted - 07/20/2009 : 02:19:21
RockG, how did you submit that quiz? Are you an admin on that site or something?
RockGolf Posted - 07/16/2009 : 17:29:29
Originally posted by ChocolateLady
Well, then - looks like we're gonna need a follow up game. You know, you could sort them by genre - horror, drama, comedy, musicals. We could have dozens of these games!

Agreed but we should probably space them out, say quarterly or every 6 months. My first thought was animated films. We could get a good spread of Disney, DreamWorks, Pixar, and maybe one or two Japanese classics.

But I'd love to know if the quiz has had any impact on site visitors. With over 13,000 views of Sporcle, the links in the main page and comments, has there been significant additional traffic to the site today? Any large number of new sign ups?
ChocolateLady Posted - 07/16/2009 : 16:37:21
Originally posted by Ro�k G01f, MD+

This quiz is now more popular than the Michael Douglas Movies and MLB All-Star MVP's quizzes!

AFI Lifetime Achievement Awards? You're goin' down!

Well, then - looks like we're gonna need a follow up game. You know, you could sort them by genre - horror, drama, comedy, musicals. We could have dozens of these games!

(Just played again and got 26/33 but why I forgot Shrek this time, I'll never know. As of that playing, we're up to 12,783 plays!)

RockGolf Posted - 07/16/2009 : 16:21:32
This quiz is now more popular than the Michael Douglas Movies and MLB All-Star MVP's quizzes!

AFI Lifetime Achievement Awards? You're goin' down!
[matt] Posted - 07/16/2009 : 15:48:16

24 out of 33. Not bad

Great quiz RockG01f! I left a comment telling people to check out the site.

Beanmimo Posted - 07/16/2009 : 14:16:23

Well done RockGolf!!

Nice to see fwfr spread.
ChocolateLady Posted - 07/16/2009 : 13:39:08
Well, I didn't do too badly, considering I couldn't remember the names of the particular LoTR, Star Trek and Star Wars movies. Wouldn't take my answer when I typed in The Passion of the Christ for some reason (another anti-Semitic conspiracy, I'm sure).

But it was fun!
RockGolf Posted - 07/16/2009 : 12:24:40
Here's some of the early reviews:

"Brother gets own bedroom." - Ouch.

Interesting quiz idea. Must say, however, that the clues from the earlier movies are considerably easier than the later movies.

I think this is a brilliant quiz. More creative movie quizzes like this please!

Bride's head revisted is just downright cold. I love it.

Great quiz which definitely requires some thought,but there are some seriously questionable clues.

Quite possibly the best sporcle EVER - Love it!

So far the most guessed correctly are Vader downs a Guinness (over 80%), I bet Kramer wins, The Great S Cape, and Said he'd be back (all with over 50%). The toughest are Brother gets own bedroom, The Emperors hike back(!), and Vill'n Grace(!!) each with less than 5%.

We're linked in from the front page at so please add a comment about how great the site is and what a wonderful person Benj is. You know, the usual bullshit.

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