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 Benj, deja vu: log-out leads to "similar review"

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 11/10/2009 : 18:45:30
As I was submitting a review for the film, "They call me Bruce?", it looks like I got logged out. I logged in again and resubmitted but I get a message saying it is similar to another review - cd. my first submission have got registered for an anon?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 05/05/2010 : 17:54:38
Originally posted by benj clews

Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha

just found that it has been accepted as an anon submission here - Can u pl. credit it to me?


Thanks a ton, Benj. You are the man.
benj clews Posted - 05/05/2010 : 10:14:11
Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha

just found that it has been accepted as an anon submission here - Can u pl. credit it to me?

aahaa, muahaha Posted - 05/04/2010 : 09:48:03
Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha

Oops, sorry to bother you but this has happened again - for the 1999 film "The Thomas Crown Affair." The review must be under pending reviews for some Anon - the review is "Monet can buy love."

just found that it has been accepted as an anon submission here - Can u pl. credit it to me?
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 05/03/2010 : 19:30:23
Oops, sorry to bother you but this has happened again - for the 1999 film "The Thomas Crown Affair." The review must be under pending reviews for some Anon - the review is "Monet can buy love."
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 12/31/2009 : 07:00:55
Originally posted by benj clews

Yep, the Twins review seems to have gone- sorry I've sorted out the other review however.

Best way I can think to reduce the chances of this happening (aside from me changing the way the log in code works) is to do a quick refresh of the page before submitting your review. The server seems to be forgetting people are logged in quite often so this will ensure it knows you're still logged in shortly before you actually submit the review.

Thanks a ton, Benj. I'll do it.
benj clews Posted - 12/31/2009 : 01:04:21
Yep, the Twins review seems to have gone- sorry I've sorted out the other review however.

Best way I can think to reduce the chances of this happening (aside from me changing the way the log in code works) is to do a quick refresh of the page before submitting your review. The server seems to be forgetting people are logged in quite often so this will ensure it knows you're still logged in shortly before you actually submit the review.
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 12/18/2009 : 14:23:17
The review for "The Gay Shoe Clerk" has got accepted as an anonymous review, here. Cd. u please credit it to my account? Also, the review for Twins seems to be still in pending reviews - cd. u put it in my pending reviews pile?

Also, is there anything that I can do to prevent this problem?
I use only one comp, but use Google Chrome these days, mostly the incognito mode. I usually log in through fourum.

Edit: I guess the review for Twins may have been declined by now.

aahaa, muahaha Posted - 12/14/2009 : 19:05:07
Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha

Benj, I am sorry for troubling you but it has happened again.

This time, it is for the film "The Gay Shoe Clerk."

Oops, I am sorry once more Benj. It happened yet again, now for the film "Twins." Can you please look into these two?
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 12/14/2009 : 18:58:15
Benj, I am sorry for troubling you but it has happened again.

This time, it is for the film "The Gay Shoe Clerk."
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 11/25/2009 : 04:47:17
Originally posted by AC

The same thing happened to me earlier this week, and I'm wondering, ahaa - do you use more than one computer?

I ask because I logged in (unusually) on my sister's computer one day, and when I returned to my own PC I found that I had to log back in to the site, presumably because my account had been opened elsewhere. I logged in, fine, but then when i submitted a review, I was sent to a submission page for 'anonymous' and my review wasn't in my own pending list when i re-logged in. This similarly happened in fourum: if I wasn't careful to log back in any posts I made would disappear.

Just a thought: either we ask benj to look at the code that logs us out when we sign in to a foreign computer, or we be careful to log-in every time...?

dunno, I use only one comp, but use Google Chrome these days, mostly the incognito mode. I usually log in through fourum.
AC Posted - 11/24/2009 : 18:56:28
The same thing happened to me earlier this week, and I'm wondering, ahaa - do you use more than one computer?

I ask because I logged in (unusually) on my sister's computer one day, and when I returned to my own PC I found that I had to log back in to the site, presumably because my account had been opened elsewhere. I logged in, fine, but then when i submitted a review, I was sent to a submission page for 'anonymous' and my review wasn't in my own pending list when i re-logged in. This similarly happened in fourum: if I wasn't careful to log back in any posts I made would disappear.

Just a thought: either we ask benj to look at the code that logs us out when we sign in to a foreign computer, or we be careful to log-in every time...?
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 11/24/2009 : 16:33:31
Originally posted by benj clews

Hmm... I can't see any reviews that clash with the one you had declined for Miracle Worker- just as a matter of interest, does it still get auto-declined?

The Nude Bowling declines, however... one was declined by MERP and the other is almost the same review again so that was automatically declined as a repeat.

Tks. again Benj. Submitted to Miracle Worker again - No auto decline now. Will work on "Nude Bowling Party" later.
benj clews Posted - 11/24/2009 : 08:51:47
Hmm... I can't see any reviews that clash with the one you had declined for Miracle Worker- just as a matter of interest, does it still get auto-declined?

The Nude Bowling declines, however... one was declined by MERP and the other is almost the same review again so that was automatically declined as a repeat.
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 11/24/2009 : 05:52:37
Originally posted by benj clews

Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha

Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha


Sorry to trouble you but it has happened again Benj. This time it is for the film "Miracle Worker" (1962). I think it got registered under "Anonymous" with user asp id=0 and rank by total number of reviews as 9162. I tried resubmitting it but it now says "similar to another submission." I am using Google Chrome - Cd. this be a reason for the bug?

Benj, any luck with this?

I can see a couple of declines reviews against the above two films you said this happened on- can you see this in your myfwfr and, if so, are they the ones?

Yes, Benj. They are the ones - declined (automated, I guess as it happened as soon as I submitted) with reason as "similar." Any chance this is happening due to Google Chrome?
benj clews Posted - 11/24/2009 : 02:01:28
Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha

Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha


Sorry to trouble you but it has happened again Benj. This time it is for the film "Miracle Worker" (1962). I think it got registered under "Anonymous" with user asp id=0 and rank by total number of reviews as 9162. I tried resubmitting it but it now says "similar to another submission." I am using Google Chrome - Cd. this be a reason for the bug?

Benj, any luck with this?

I can see a couple of declined reviews against the above two films you said this happened on- can you see this in your myfwfr and, if so, are they the ones?

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