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 Please could my 'Un-added' review be moved?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Demisemicenturian Posted - 08/01/2010 : 10:55:41
I thought it would be worth having a thread for these requests, as they would get lost in the related Non-films thread. The idea is that it would be nice if reviews with votes could be transferred to obviously applicable alternative films. Please provide Benj with links to your review (by clicking on it in your declined list as if you were editing it) and the suggested film.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Demisemicenturian Posted - 11/06/2010 : 22:35:13
Originally posted by Cracovian

Please could my "Essex residents spotted 'Dick'" be transferred from the un-added History's Mysteries: The Essex - The True Story of Moby Dick to Moby Dick: The True Story? I've checked and it is indeed about the Essex, with the characters being the real sailors from the ship.

Demisemicenturian Posted - 08/01/2010 : 14:03:11
Originally posted by [matt]

What would be really cool is if we were given the option to move the reviews to a different film before they're un-added and lose all their votes?

I thought of suggesting a sort of holding pen before films are removed and reviews declined, but decided that would be too much to ask of Benj. However, if you independently or via the above thread identify a film as at risk, you can report your review(s) as being against the 'wrong' film and you can also post here or here.
even if they get approved again, it's unlikely they'll reach the same number of votes.

That's exactly my reason for this thread instead of writing the reviews anew.
[matt] Posted - 08/01/2010 : 13:53:22

What would be really cool is if we were given the option to move the reviews to a different film before they're un-added and lose all their votes?

I've been going through my un-added reviews trying to find new films to resubmit them, but even if they get approved again, it's unlikely they'll reach the same number of votes.

For example, this one (currently in my FYC) previously had around 18 votes.
Demisemicenturian Posted - 08/01/2010 : 11:58:00
Please could my "Essex residents spotted 'Dick'" be transferred from the un-added History's Mysteries: The Essex - The True Story of Moby Dick to Moby Dick: The True Story? I've checked and it is indeed about the Essex, with the characters being the real sailors from the ship.

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