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 FWPT #99 - World Capitals

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Angry [:(!] Approve [^] Big Smile [:D] Black Eye [B)]
Blush [:I] Clown [:o)] Cool [8D] Dead [xx(]
Disapprove [V] Duh [7] Eight Ball [8] Evil [}:)]
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
spyderman Posted - 06/14/2007 : 04:19:34
If you�ve traveled internationally, then you�ve experienced firsthand the array of pornography policies that exists in our world. Some countries hold that banning pornography is the key to a productive and prosperous society. Other countries place a higher value on individual rights, and give their citizens the power to make up their own minds about porn. And then there are those rare and magical lands that openly celebrate pornography in all its forms. Some of these flesh-Edens are indeed so enamoured of the coital arts that they�ve bestowed a pornographic name upon their own capital cities.

This week�s contest is a tribute to all those countries with pornographicly-named Capital Cities.

I�ll get the ball(s) rolling with a taste of Asia...

Cambodia - Phnomenal Penhis
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Koli Posted - 06/21/2007 : 19:42:16
So many possibilities:
Equitorial Guinea - My Labia
Estonia - Tail In
South Korea - Aah Seoul
Seychelles - Victor's Rear
Uzbekistan - Flash C**t

Chris C Posted - 06/21/2007 : 06:32:45
Zambia - Lewd shagger.
Corduroy Pillow Posted - 06/21/2007 : 05:56:50
Wow. Thanks!

Back soon with someone who gives me dirty thoughts ...
rockfsh Posted - 06/21/2007 : 00:57:28
Uruguay - Mountingvideo
MisterBadIdea Posted - 06/21/2007 : 00:18:25
1 Night in Paris.
thefoxboy Posted - 06/21/2007 : 00:17:18
Italy - Ream.
Indonesia - Jack harder
East Timor - Dildo
damalc Posted - 06/21/2007 : 00:02:33
Havana Shag, Cuba
Ottaway In, Canada
Sean Posted - 06/20/2007 : 23:33:28
We're all in favour of Capital Punnish Men*, aren't we?
* sent via email
17 entries this week and 17 voters including a lurker...
So the winners are:-
3rd best equal World Capitals porn title, as voted by you with
10 votes
Thailand - Bangcock. - thefoxboy
(vote breakdown of 32221)
Cyprus - No Knickers 'ere. - Koli
(vote breakdown of 3322)
2nd best World Capitals porn title, as voted by you with
12 votes
Cuba - Havana orgasm. - Cheese_Ed
(vote breakdown of 3321111)
The winner with the best World Capitals porn title
with a vote breakdown of (3333333222111)
Please be upstanding for our latest filthy pervert
For a total of 30 votes and total annihilation of all competition...
Make some noise people
she's back....
Corduroy Pillow - with - India - Nude Ellie.
Congratulations Corduroy Pillow for your third stand on the winning pervert's dais.

Time to get up here and give us a few words then choose the next pornstar. Make sure it is NOT someone that we have pornolised in previous rounds.

You are now free to post any alternative FWPTs you may have.
Koli Posted - 06/20/2007 : 20:42:03
turrell Posted - 06/20/2007 : 16:13:54
lurker voted from Washington's pee-pee.
damalc Posted - 06/20/2007 : 12:55:02
w22dheartlivie Posted - 06/20/2007 : 10:51:41
Chris C Posted - 06/20/2007 : 06:23:12
TitanPa Posted - 06/20/2007 : 04:48:10
I'll always vote in Paris.
MisterBadIdea Posted - 06/19/2007 : 22:25:42
Sent my votes to Washington

This week's viewing: Tokyo Story
Thoughts: Needs more Godzilla

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