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 FWPT #106 - Seven World Wonders

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Cheese_Ed Posted - 08/02/2007 : 13:00:21
With the recent election of the New Seven World Wonders, I was inspired to go off road for this week's FWPT. There are many lists, so plenty of candidates to choose from.

Here are a couple sources:
Seven World Wonders (doesn't include the newest list)

Hung Gardens of Babylon
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ali Posted - 08/10/2007 : 14:26:06
Originally posted by MisterBadIdea

Originally posted by wildhartlivie

Originally posted by MisterBadIdea

I think I'm on that Wonders list somewhere too. Voted, by the way.

This week's viewing: Halloween III: Season of the Witch
Thoughts: Watched it because it has Stonehenge in it. Okay, get this, the bad guy STOLE A PIECE OF STONEHENGE. Just walked away with it. Then he used some kind of technomagic with his piece of Stonehenge to TURN CHILDREN'S HEADS INTO BUGS. Oh man. This movie was everything I hoped it would be.

I would seriously have recommended you skip this stinker. Even the creepy jingle couldn't save this from suckdom. :)


Certainly not a good film, but hardly the worst I've ever seen. In addition to the creepy jingle, which will haunt my nightmares, it has 1) a great final scene, 2) a nice black ending for the female lead and 3) children's heads turning into bugs. Not any better or worse than Halloween II, I say.

You might find this interesting.
Stalean Posted - 08/09/2007 : 03:05:53
What a nice surprise for an otherwise rotten week! Thanks so much for lifting my spirits. I think I have found an apropos person to pornolize this week. I was somewhat surprised that he hadn't been picked for FWPT or FWTO!
Cheese_Ed Posted - 08/09/2007 : 02:40:09
That iconic Indian edifice:

The Touch M'Hole.
Sean Posted - 08/08/2007 : 22:52:06
Looks like the spirit of pornolisation was well and truly alive in the Ancient World...
15 entries this week and 12 voters...
So the winners are:-
2nd best-equal Seven World Wonders porn title, as voted by you with
7 votes
Hung Gardens of Babylon. - Cheese_Ed
(vote breakdown of 331)
Great Ballin' China! - ChocolateLady
(vote breakdown of 331)
Leaning Tower of Penis. - MisterBadIdea
(vote breakdown of 331)
The winner with the best Seven World Wonders porn title
with a vote breakdown of (33332221)
Please be upstanding for our latest filthy pervert
For a total of 19 votes
Make some noise people
StaLean - with - Mucho Prick Chew.
Congratulations StaLean for your eighth stand on the winning pervert's dais.

Time to get up here and give us a few words then choose the next pornstar. Make sure it is NOT someone that we have pornolised in previous rounds.

You are now free to post any alternative FWPTs you may have.
Koli Posted - 08/08/2007 : 21:15:39
Voted (eventually )
turrell Posted - 08/08/2007 : 14:48:04
MisterBadIdea Posted - 08/08/2007 : 04:17:37
Originally posted by wildhartlivie

Originally posted by MisterBadIdea

I think I'm on that Wonders list somewhere too. Voted, by the way.

This week's viewing: Halloween III: Season of the Witch
Thoughts: Watched it because it has Stonehenge in it. Okay, get this, the bad guy STOLE A PIECE OF STONEHENGE. Just walked away with it. Then he used some kind of technomagic with his piece of Stonehenge to TURN CHILDREN'S HEADS INTO BUGS. Oh man. This movie was everything I hoped it would be.

I would seriously have recommended you skip this stinker. Even the creepy jingle couldn't save this from suckdom. :)


Certainly not a good film, but hardly the worst I've ever seen. In addition to the creepy jingle, which will haunt my nightmares, it has 1) a great final scene, 2) a nice black ending for the female lead and 3) children's heads turning into bugs. Not any better or worse than Halloween II, I say.
w22dheartlivie Posted - 08/08/2007 : 02:13:56
Originally posted by MisterBadIdea

I think I'm on that Wonders list somewhere too. Voted, by the way.

This week's viewing: Halloween III: Season of the Witch
Thoughts: Watched it because it has Stonehenge in it. Okay, get this, the bad guy STOLE A PIECE OF STONEHENGE. Just walked away with it. Then he used some kind of technomagic with his piece of Stonehenge to TURN CHILDREN'S HEADS INTO BUGS. Oh man. This movie was everything I hoped it would be.

I would seriously have recommended you skip this stinker. Even the creepy jingle couldn't save this from suckdom. :)

Chris C Posted - 08/07/2007 : 23:20:45
MisterBadIdea Posted - 08/07/2007 : 20:38:39
I think I'm on that Wonders list somewhere too. Voted, by the way.

This week's viewing: Halloween III: Season of the Witch
Thoughts: Watched it because it has Stonehenge in it. Okay, get this, the bad guy STOLE A PIECE OF STONEHENGE. Just walked away with it. Then he used some kind of technomagic with his piece of Stonehenge to TURN CHILDREN'S HEADS INTO BUGS. Oh man. This movie was everything I hoped it would be.
Demisemicenturian Posted - 08/07/2007 : 14:38:27
Originally posted by Cheese_Ed

Seven World Wonders (doesn't include the newest list)

Those lists are so laughable - Stonehenge is mediaeval, apparently! And Paricutin Volcano (which I've never heard of, although I don't doubt it's amazing) is a Natural Wonder of the World, while Angel Falls, Krakatoa Island, Mount Fuji, Mount Kilimanjaro and Niagara Falls are 'Forgotten' Natural Wonders, the Clock Tower (Big Ben), the Eiffel Tower, the Aswan High Dam, the Hoover Dam, Mount Rushmore National Memorial and the Petronas Towers are 'Forgotten' Modern Wonders and Angkor Wat, the Taj Mahal, Mont Saint-Michel, the Moai Statues and the Parthenon are 'Forgotten' Wonders of the 'Medeival' Mind! Don't know who has forgotten any of these or thinks that the Parthenon is 'medeival'!
Cheese_Ed Posted - 08/07/2007 : 12:41:52
We whirled up some wonders - and I voted for the best.
ChocolateLady Posted - 08/07/2007 : 07:27:10
I wondered about this seven times before I voted.
turrell Posted - 08/06/2007 : 21:20:49
Clitto: See 'em.
Falken Posted - 08/04/2007 : 20:54:54
Originally posted by Koli

Originally posted by TitanPa


This reminds me of a spam I had recently, with the opening line:

I think maybe you want your MEMBER to be as BIG and HARD as a STONE!

Well, stones come in all shapes and sizes, so I'm not sure it was the ideal way to market viagra. Kind of them to offer though.

Warning: In the rare event of a monolith lasting more than 4 solstices, please contact a druid.


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