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 FWPT #112 - Andrew Lloyd Webber

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sean Posted - 09/13/2007 : 01:49:07
Four Word Porn Titles

Entrant Rules
  • No more than FOUR words.
  • Use inspiration from any source, but it must be related to the subject.
  • Winning FWPTs from previous rounds cannot be used again.
  • Only ONE entry per person (post alternatives after winner has been announced).
  • Entries are welcome from any FWFR members.
Voting Rules
  • Voting closes 9pm Wednesday FWFR-time (same timetable as FWTO).
  • Send Se�n a PM with your votes, click this direct link to Se�n's PM page.
  • Non-entrants may also vote, lurker votes are encouraged.
  • Entrants who do not vote have 3 points deducted from their total.
  • Voting is as follows, e.g., showing Tom as your first choice for 3 votes etc:-

  • 3 points Tom
    2 points Dick
    1 point Harry

    not upside down or it gets confusing.

Andrew Lloyd Webber needs no introduction, but his other career as a porn opera writer may be less well known...

List of Shows

IMDb page with songs

Can't find a complete one-page song list, anyone else?

AMG ALW Songlist

Any Cream Will Do. - Se�n
Phallus of the Opera. - thefoxboy
Jesus Christ Superstud. - rockfsh
Mammary. - StaLean
Jesus Christ Porno Star. - MisterBadIdea
Pussies. - Ali
Mr. Fistoffelees. - Chris C
Eve: Eat Her. - ChocolateLady
Starlet XXXpress - Cheese_Ed
Bimbo Dreams - TitanPa
M'Cavity: The Mystery - R o � k G o 7 f
Ass, Pricks of Love. - Koli
Boy Reams Girl - wildhartlivie

Thanks StaLean for list management. Votes to me as per usual.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Cheese_Ed Posted - 09/20/2007 : 12:34:21
I'm shocked. Thank you, I don't know that I deserve it.

I'll try to get someone new quickly!
MisterBadIdea Posted - 09/19/2007 : 23:19:32
Originally posted by wildhartlivie

Originally posted by MisterBadIdea

Jesus Christ, I voted.

This Week's Viewing: Jesus Christ Superstar (2001)
Thoughts: This turned out to be a filmed stage production -- lame. Make a movie or don't. Never liked this musical to begin with -- Webber's combination of rock and Broadway always gave us the worst of both worlds, and while his version of the Messiah was never very inspiring, this production gives us one that looks uncannily like Michael Bolton. Yeah, no.

You should have gone for the 1973 version with Ted Neeley, Yvonne Ellison and Josh Mostel. It was a bit better than this sounds. It was worth it to see the chubby Mostel singing and dancing in King Herod's Song.


I've seen it. It's marginally better, but I just don't like Webber's take on the story or the music. "What's the buzz tell me what's a happening" -- Jesus Christ, that sucks.
Sean Posted - 09/19/2007 : 23:18:23
FWPT results for Andrew Lewd Webber coming up...
13 entries this week and 12 voters...
So the winners are:-
3rd best equal Andrew Lloyd Webber porn title, as voted by you with
8 votes
Mr. Fistoffelees. - Chris C
(vote breakdown of 3311)
Eve: Eat Her. - ChocolateLady
(vote breakdown of 32111)
2nd best Andrew Lloyd Webber porn title, as voted by you with
9 votes
Phallus of the Opera. - thefoxboy
(vote breakdown of 3321)
The winner with the best Andrew Lloyd Webber porn title
with a vote breakdown of (332221)
Please be upstanding for our latest filthy pervert
For a total of 13 votes
Make some noise people
Cheese_Ed - with - Starlet XXXpress.
Congratulations Cheese_Ed for your fifteenth stand on the winning pervert's dais.

Time to get up here and give us a few words then choose the next pornstar. Make sure it is NOT someone that we have pornolised in previous rounds.

You are now free to post any alternative FWPTs you may have.
w22dheartlivie Posted - 09/19/2007 : 04:08:35
Originally posted by MisterBadIdea

Jesus Christ, I voted.

This Week's Viewing: Jesus Christ Superstar (2001)
Thoughts: This turned out to be a filmed stage production -- lame. Make a movie or don't. Never liked this musical to begin with -- Webber's combination of rock and Broadway always gave us the worst of both worlds, and while his version of the Messiah was never very inspiring, this production gives us one that looks uncannily like Michael Bolton. Yeah, no.

You should have gone for the 1973 version with Ted Neeley, Yvonne Ellison and Josh Mostel. It was a bit better than this sounds. It was worth it to see the chubby Mostel singing and dancing in King Herod's Song.

TitanPa Posted - 09/18/2007 : 19:34:06
I have memories of voting.
MisterBadIdea Posted - 09/18/2007 : 15:39:47
Jesus Christ, I voted.

This Week's Viewing: Jesus Christ Superstar (2001)
Thoughts: This turned out to be a filmed stage production -- lame. Make a movie or don't. Never liked this musical to begin with -- Webber's combination of rock and Broadway always gave us the worst of both worlds, and while his version of the Messiah was never very inspiring, this production gives us one that looks uncannily like Michael Bolton. Yeah, no.
Koli Posted - 09/18/2007 : 13:10:43
ChocolateLady Posted - 09/18/2007 : 07:50:24
Chris C Posted - 09/17/2007 : 19:39:03
w22dheartlivie Posted - 09/14/2007 : 00:48:47
Boy Reams Girl
Koli Posted - 09/13/2007 : 20:40:16

Ass, Pricks of Love.
RockGolf Posted - 09/13/2007 : 17:27:25
So many long titles don't fit the Four Word limit:

- I Do Know How To Love Him
- Don't Cry For Me, Sarge & Tina
_ I Blow Him So Well

So, I settle for a song from Pussies.

M'Cavity: The Mystery
TitanPa Posted - 09/13/2007 : 14:20:55
Bimbo Dreams
Cheese_Ed Posted - 09/13/2007 : 13:52:04

Starlet XXXpress.
Sean Posted - 09/13/2007 : 13:07:13
Hey folks, I'm away fishing (and penguin spotting ) for a few days, so it would be appreciated if someone could keep the list updated. I'll be back Monday/Tuesday NZ time. Thanks.

Votes to me as per usual.

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