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 FWPT #113 - Hanna-Barbera Cartoons

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Cheese_Ed Posted - 09/20/2007 : 12:48:39
We 'did' the Looney Tunes, but how about these classic adult cartoons.

Hung Dong Gooey.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Stalean Posted - 09/26/2007 : 23:33:52
Hey! Ho! Will ya look at that. Wasn't expecting this--good ol' Huckleberry. I need to give this some thought so I can come up with a good one. Back soon...
Sean Posted - 09/26/2007 : 23:26:49
Those 'toons are a depraved lot...
16 entries this week and 15 voters including a lurker...
So the winners are:-
3rd best Hanna-Barbera Cartoons porn title, as voted by you with
11 votes
Josie's into pussy, cunts. - ChocolateLady
(vote breakdown of 3332)
2nd best Hanna-Barbera Cartoons porn title, as voted by you with
14 votes
Yabba Dabba Do Me. - MisterBadIdea
(vote breakdown of 33221111)
The winner with the best Hanna-Barbera Cartoons porn title
with a vote breakdown of (333321)
Please be upstanding for our latest filthy pervert
For a total of 15 votes
Make some noise people
StaLean - with - Knuckle-bury Hound.
Congratulations StaLean for your tenth stand on the winning pervert's dais.

Time to get up here and give us a few words then choose the next pornstar. Make sure it is NOT someone that we have pornolised in previous rounds.

You are now free to post any alternative FWPTs you may have.
Wheelz Posted - 09/25/2007 : 21:47:50
ZOINKS! I v-v-voted, Scoob!
TitanPa Posted - 09/25/2007 : 20:38:04
lemmycaution Posted - 09/25/2007 : 15:50:53
MisterBadIdea Posted - 09/25/2007 : 14:43:34
Jinkies, I voted.

This week's viewing: Josie and the Pussycats
Thoughts: I think they're giving the TRL generation too much credit by suggesting that it takes subaural messages to make them be sheep. I also can't help but feel that this movie would have been better served celebrating manufactured pop music than satirizing it. Also, needed more nudity.
bife Posted - 09/25/2007 : 13:57:15
Originally posted by Animal Mutha

Hey guys, who would've thought my little game would've become a fwfr institution, good job Sean. I took a bit of a break (about 2 years) due to frying my brain with movie puns. Biggerboat sent me a message about a year ago and I just stumbled over it now and thought 'What the hey!'. Cheers BB. I'll see what I can come up with now and check out what the newbies are coming up with these days. It's good to be back fellas, feels like coming home.

Good to have you back, AM, even if I haven't entered the fwpt for a few weeks

Lurker voted
Animal Mutha Posted - 09/25/2007 : 11:19:41
ChocolateLady Posted - 09/25/2007 : 08:36:06
thefoxboy Posted - 09/25/2007 : 03:14:19
Originally posted by lemmycaution

Originally posted by Animal Mutha

Top Scat

Of all the websites in all the internet, he's gotta walk into ours.

lemmycaution Posted - 09/25/2007 : 01:11:48
Originally posted by Animal Mutha

Top Scat

Of all the websites in all the internet, he's gotta walk into ours.
Chris C Posted - 09/24/2007 : 23:04:28
Animal Mutha Posted - 09/22/2007 : 09:36:45
Hey guys, who would've thought my little game would've become a fwfr institution, good job Sean. I took a bit of a break (about 2 years) due to frying my brain with movie puns. Biggerboat sent me a message about a year ago and I just stumbled over it now and thought 'What the hey!'. Cheers BB. I'll see what I can come up with now and check out what the newbies are coming up with these days. It's good to be back fellas, feels like coming home.
thefoxboy Posted - 09/22/2007 : 09:25:09
Originally posted by Animal Mutha

Top Scat

Welcome back A.M.
Sean Posted - 09/22/2007 : 09:23:28
Originally posted by Animal Mutha

Top Scat
Well f*** me with a bargepole! If it isn't the inventor of FWPT!

As you can see, some things never change. The filthy pornolisation has rightfully continued.

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