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 FWPT #117 - Harry Potter characters

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sean Posted - 10/18/2007 : 01:26:35
Four Word Porn Titles

Entrant Rules
  • No more than FOUR words.
  • Use inspiration from any source, but it must be related to the subject.
  • Winning FWPTs from previous rounds cannot be used again.
  • Only ONE entry per person (post alternatives after winner has been announced).
  • Entries are welcome from any FWFR members.
Voting Rules
  • Voting closes 9pm Wednesday FWFR-time (same timetable as FWTO).
  • Send Se�n a PM with your votes, click this direct link to Se�n's PM page.
  • Non-entrants may also vote, lurker votes are encouraged.
  • Entrants who do not vote have 3 points deducted from their total.
  • Voting is as follows, e.g., showing Tom as your first choice for 3 votes etc:-

  • 3 points Tom
    2 points Dick
    1 point Harry

    not upside down or it gets confusing.

Well, we killed them a few weeks ago, now lets dig 'em up and do dirty things with Harry Potter characters.

Harry Frotter. - Se�n
Moaning Myrtle. - thefoxboy
The Boy Who Licked. - MisterBadIdea
Cornelius Fudge-packer - StaLean
Hairy Petter. - Cheese_Ed
Dumbledore Does Blueboy. - wildhartlivie
Her moany Grinder. - bife
Neville Loves Bottoms. - Ali
Able Busty Tumble Whore. - ChocolateLady
Rita Skeet Skeet Skeeter. - Animal Mutha
Tom's Marvelous Diddle. - turrell
Grip hooker then goblin'. - rockfsh
The Prisoner of Azz. - R o � k G o 7 f
Peter Pet'n'grope. - Chris C
Strippin Whore. - TitanPa
Moldy Fart. - Basselope
Hermione And Disappearing Broomstick. - Koli
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sean Posted - 10/28/2007 : 23:30:00
Originally posted by K8li

Evidently the appalling prospect of Hermione Granger's good name and squeaky-clean image being besmirched in this way was a step too far.
I'm not sure that that was the reason (we're all filthy pornolisers after all ) but I think wordplay rather than an idea tends to get the votes. I.e., a pun involving doing stuff to Hermione (which was the winner in this round) is more likely to get votes than a statement about doing something to Hermione, even if it's got a double meaning. Or something.
Koli Posted - 10/25/2007 : 22:12:42
Originally posted by bife

Wow, thanks, didn't expect that

Surely at least an honourable mention for koli's entry, I thought it was going to be a runaway winner. As I am sure foxy will testify, though, bife thinking something will be a runaway winner rarely makes it so ...

Well done, bife, and thanks for the mention. Funnily enough there have been other occasions when I harboured hopes, nay thoughts, of being a runaway winner but didn't make it into the top three. In a way it's a comfort to know that, whatever their protestations to the contrary, my fellow fwiffers uphold certain standards of decorum and good(ish) taste. Evidently the appalling prospect of Hermione Granger's good name and squeaky-clean image being besmirched in this way was a step too far. For that we should in a peculiar way be grateful, and I am chastened but wiser.

Or am I?
thefoxboy Posted - 10/25/2007 : 01:35:40
Yes, I'm so glad you didn't vote for my FWTO this week.

A no vote from bife is a winner.
bife Posted - 10/25/2007 : 01:02:14
Wow, thanks, didn't expect that

Surely at least an honourable mention for koli's entry, I thought it was going to be a runaway winner. As I am sure foxy will testify, though, bife thinking something will be a runaway winner rarely makes it so ...
Sean Posted - 10/24/2007 : 23:25:08
As JK Rowling revealed this week, Hogwarts is a sea of perversion and depravity.... and good old-fashioned filth.
17 entries this week and 16 voters including a lurker...
So the winners are:-
3rd best equal Harry Potter characters porn title, as voted by you with
10 votes
Harry Frotter. - Se�n
(vote breakdown of 3331)
Moaning Myrtle. - thefoxboy
(vote breakdown of 32221)
2nd best Harry Potter characters porn title, as voted by you with
15 votes
Cornelius Fudge-packer. - StaLean
(vote breakdown of 333222)
The winner with the best Harry Potter characters porn title
with a vote breakdown of (333333221)
Please be upstanding for our latest filthy pervert
For a total of 23 votes
Make some noise people
bife - with - Her moany Grinder.
Congratulations bife for your third stand on the winning pervert's dais.

Time to get up here and give us a few words then choose the next pornstar. Make sure it is NOT someone that we have pornolised in previous rounds.

You are now free to post any alternative FWPTs you may have.
Koli Posted - 10/24/2007 : 16:41:53
Just flew in and out of the polling station in record time.
ChocolateLady Posted - 10/24/2007 : 10:30:24
Voted, like magic!
bife Posted - 10/24/2007 : 02:00:14
Animal Mutha Posted - 10/23/2007 : 23:55:22
I Gay-Lord Votemonted... or something like that
Wheelz Posted - 10/23/2007 : 23:25:33
I'm lurking under my invisiblility cloak and sent my votes in via portkey.
Chris C Posted - 10/23/2007 : 23:03:51
Sent votes by post-owl.
TitanPa Posted - 10/23/2007 : 20:05:49
Sent Sean some Voting Jellybeans
turrell Posted - 10/23/2007 : 18:19:49
votio sentarum
MisterBadIdea Posted - 10/23/2007 : 15:52:20
Accio Votes.

This week's viewing: The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising
Thoughts: I've already exhausted the Harry Potter series, so I thought I'd check it its most obvious ripoff. I think it proves you can't make a Harry Potter on a tenth of the budget. Or without good actors or a decent plot. I'm starting to feel bad about myself for doing this weekly viewing thing.
MisterBadIdea Posted - 10/22/2007 : 03:52:54
Considering the stunning new info about a Harry Potter character revealed this week, this FWPT has turned out to be more than appropriate.

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