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 FWPT #120 - The Beatles

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Corduroy Pillow Posted - 11/08/2007 : 01:02:47
We Cum Together.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Koli Posted - 11/15/2007 : 18:36:59
Originally posted by Salopian

Sorry - forgot to vote. Would've placed A Hard, Dazed Knight top.

In that case, I have no option. I'm sending the boys round.

And I don't mean The Beatles.

Well, there's only two left anyway, and they're getting a bit old to rough you up.

Thanks for the mention.

PS Loved the full song. This could be a good time to record the new version. MTV would play it.
Demisemicenturian Posted - 11/15/2007 : 13:39:35
Sorry - forgot to vote. Would've placed A Hard, Dazed Knight top.
thefoxboy Posted - 11/14/2007 : 22:52:18
Originally posted by Wheelz

Thanks, gang! There were some great ones out there this week -- I'm honored!

Your "reward" for choosing my FWPT is that you now must endure the extended version:

Ah, look at all the horny bastards
Ah, look at all the horny bastards

Eleanor frigged me
Putting her fingers in places where nobody�s been
Making me grin
What�s she got in me?
Could be a bottle, her fist, or an old bowling pin
Oh what a sin

All the horny bastards
Who do they all come on?
All the horny bastards
How do they all get off?

New porn victim on the way....

Wheelz Posted - 11/14/2007 : 22:50:12
Thanks, gang! There were some great ones out there this week -- I'm honored!

Your "reward" for choosing my FWPT is that you now must endure the extended version:

Ah, look at all the horny bastards
Ah, look at all the horny bastards

Eleanor frigged me
Putting her fingers in places where nobody�s been
Making me grin
What�s she got in me?
Could be a bottle, her fist, or an old bowling pin
Oh what a sin

All the horny bastards
Who do they all come on?
All the horny bastards
How do they all get off?

New porn victim on the way....
Sean Posted - 11/14/2007 : 22:31:04
Let's see who's the next Porn Starr.... (thanx to you-know-who )
22 entries this week and 19 voters...
So the winners are:- *
3rd best The Beatles porn title, as voted by you with
11 votes
Norwegian Woody. - kolo
(vote breakdown of 32222)
2nd best The Beatles porn title, as voted by you with
12 votes
Back in the P.U.S.S.Y. - StaLean
(vote breakdown of 33321)
The winner with the best The Beatles porn title
with a vote breakdown of (3332211)
Please be upstanding for our latest filthy pervert
For a total of 15 votes
Make some noise people
Wheelz - with - Eleanor Frigged Me.
Congratulations Wheelz for your second stand on the winning pervert's dais.

Time to get up here and give us a few words then choose the next pornstar. Make sure it is NOT someone that we have pornolised in previous rounds.

You are now free to post any alternative FWPTs you may have.

* Very close round, Falken next on 10, CP on 9.
Animal Mutha Posted - 11/14/2007 : 21:24:28
Koli Posted - 11/14/2007 : 19:08:59
Originally posted by MisterBadIdea

Can't buy me votes.

This week's viewing: Help!
Thoughts: I think this film just isn't stupid enough. Movies like this one kind of depend on how stupid they are, and Help! just doesn't cut it. Now, the '60s Batman movie, that's stupid enough. Help! is no one's favorite Beatles album anyway.

I have to disagree with that last point, MBI. It's been my favourite since about 1967 when I first acquired it. So I'm the one person needed to disprove your theory, which is an honour, obviously. I just love the mixture of pure mid-sixties pop (and, let's face it, it was pretty advanced for its time) and rock 'n' roll. So, looks like it's one for my Guilty Pleasures confession.
Falken Posted - 11/14/2007 : 18:27:43
I am the voter... Goo Goo G'Joob!

ChocolateLady Posted - 11/14/2007 : 06:27:34
All you needed were votes, so I voted!
MisterBadIdea Posted - 11/14/2007 : 03:34:34
Can't buy me votes.

This week's viewing: Help!
Thoughts: I think this film just isn't stupid enough. Movies like this one kind of depend on how stupid they are, and Help! just doesn't cut it. Now, the '60s Batman movie, that's stupid enough. Help! is no one's favorite Beatles album anyway.
Chris C Posted - 11/13/2007 : 22:26:41
WOW! A difficult choice this week, but I voted for my favourites.
Wheelz Posted - 11/13/2007 : 21:59:53
Tough to pick a favorite Beatles song.
Almost as hard to choose the best FWPT in this round.

Nevertheless, I couldn't just Let It Be, so I voted.
damalc Posted - 11/13/2007 : 18:19:58
All you need is votes, votes. Votes are all you need.
lemmycaution Posted - 11/13/2007 : 16:05:32
Those naughty boys! Voted.
Koli Posted - 11/12/2007 : 20:41:19
Voted well before the deadline for once.

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