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 FWPT #121 - Super Heroes

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Angry [:(!] Approve [^] Big Smile [:D] Black Eye [B)]
Blush [:I] Clown [:o)] Cool [8D] Dead [xx(]
Disapprove [V] Duh [7] Eight Ball [8] Evil [}:)]
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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Wheelz Posted - 11/14/2007 : 23:33:40
Just how do our favorite Super Guys and Gals kick back after a long day of saving the world?
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rockfsh Posted - 11/22/2007 : 01:22:39
Yuck! Be back after a cold shower
Sean Posted - 11/22/2007 : 00:11:06
The Incredible Hunk (submitted by email)

Most votes are in, and we're no longer tied, so here we go...
19 entries this week and 15 voters...
So the winners are:-
2nd best equal Super Heroes porn title, as voted by you with
10 votes
The Blown Ranger. - Se�n
(vote breakdown of 32221)
The Fantastic Foursome. - Wheelz
(vote breakdown of 32221)
The winner with the best Super Heroes porn title
with a vote breakdown of (333221)
Please be upstanding for our latest filthy pervert
For a total of 14 votes
Make some noise people
rockfsh - with - Rubbin' the Boy Wonder.
Congratulations rockfsh for your second stand on the winning pervert's dais.

Time to get up here and give us a few words then choose the next pornstar. Make sure it is NOT someone that we have pornolised in previous rounds.

You are now free to post any alternative FWPTs you may have.
bife Posted - 11/21/2007 : 23:34:49
voted, belatedly
Sean Posted - 11/21/2007 : 23:08:40
Five voters to go and scores tied.
Koli Posted - 11/21/2007 : 22:25:15
What's that? My votes didn't arrive on time? But I copied them on to a couple of CD ROMs and gave them to a seemingly helpful and efficient guy from a firm of couriers.

Had to send them again. I put extra postage stamps on this time.
TitanPa Posted - 11/21/2007 : 19:57:09
Me smashed votes!!!!!!!
Animal Mutha Posted - 11/21/2007 : 15:07:39
Bat-Votes in
ChocolateLady Posted - 11/21/2007 : 07:03:06
Super voting done!
Wheelz Posted - 11/20/2007 : 19:49:09
Votey sense is tingling.
MisterBadIdea Posted - 11/20/2007 : 19:00:50
Holy votes, Batman!

This week's viewing: My Super Ex-Girlfriend
Thoughts: Has Ivan Reitman even ever seen a superhero movie before? Why does this movie seethe with such hatred of women? Why does Luke Wilson even exist?? Utterly worthless, avoid.
Chris C Posted - 11/20/2007 : 17:52:31
Put my underwear on over my trousers and voted.
BiggerBoat Posted - 11/20/2007 : 17:51:37

Chris C Posted - 11/16/2007 : 22:41:41
turrell Posted - 11/16/2007 : 07:10:55
"Form of: ice dildo"
rockfsh Posted - 11/16/2007 : 05:31:09
Rubbin' the Boy Wonder

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