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 FWPT #124 -- Winona Ryder

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
MisterBadIdea Posted - 12/06/2007 : 02:11:47
You know what I miss? FWPTs about people who I would actually want to see in porn. And Winona Ryder, despite the crazy, is still supremely hot. Now here's a porn library I can get into, starting with one of her first big porn movies,

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
MisterBadIdea Posted - 12/13/2007 : 02:12:22
Victory dance!

Shake shake shake senora
shake your body line
shake shake shake senora
shake it all the time
Sean Posted - 12/13/2007 : 01:05:27
Originally posted by damalc

sorry i didn't check in. i really meant to. it still would have meant a win for MBI but i would have had 2nd place all to myself. so i guess i just hurt myself.
Ah, no worries. I'd normally wait a bit longer for votes from people who normally vote, but I didn't bother as the winner was clear.
damalc Posted - 12/12/2007 : 23:02:02
sorry i didn't check in. i really meant to. it still would have meant a win for MBI but i would have had 2nd place all to myself. so i guess i just hurt myself.
Sean Posted - 12/12/2007 : 22:24:18
Who wants to ride 'er? Me!
15 entries this week and 14 voters...
So the winners are:-
2nd best-equal Winona Ryder porn title, as voted by you with
11 votes
Easy Ryder. - Ali
(vote breakdown of 3332)
Alien: Erection. - damalc
(vote breakdown of 3322211-3)
The winner with the best Winona Ryder porn title
with a vote breakdown of (33333111111)
Please be upstanding for our latest filthy pervert
For a total of 21 votes
Make some noise people
MisterBadIdea - with - Beaverjuice.
Congratulations MisterBadIdea for your fourth stand on the winning pervert's dais.

Time to get up here and give us a few words then choose the next pornstar. Make sure it is NOT someone that we have pornolised in previous rounds.

You are now free to post any alternative FWPTs you may have.
Koli Posted - 12/12/2007 : 22:06:54
Voted lately.
turrell Posted - 12/12/2007 : 15:51:14
ChocolateLady Posted - 12/12/2007 : 06:16:09
TitanPa Posted - 12/12/2007 : 04:59:08
stole some votes and then sent them to sean.
Wheelz Posted - 12/11/2007 : 23:58:09
Ryder?? I hardly know her!

(But I did vote.)
MisterBadIdea Posted - 12/11/2007 : 23:38:31
Voted... how very.

This week's viewing: Bram Stoker's Dracula
Thoughts: Wow, send this to the Bad Accent Hall of Fame, on EVERYONE'S part. It's really hard for me to mad at Keanu when everyone around him is doing it badly too.
Chris C Posted - 12/11/2007 : 23:04:11
Cheese_Ed Posted - 12/11/2007 : 13:30:08
Voted for the (anagram) Rad Winner, Yo
rockfsh Posted - 12/08/2007 : 23:01:12
Lust Sold
Koli Posted - 12/08/2007 : 11:18:09

Ryder's Tart Wreck
Chris C Posted - 12/07/2007 : 19:52:36
19? 69!

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