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 FWPT #127 - Steve Martin

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Cheese_Ed Posted - 12/27/2007 : 15:30:29
He was honored by the Kennedy Center last night... I guess they didn't know about his seedy past.

Steve Martin

15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Sean Posted - 01/03/2008 : 23:56:12
Originally posted by Stalean

Sorry to hear that you are so ill, Sean. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know.
Make my headache go away.

A lot better today. This is the weirdest flu/cold thing I've had. Every day it attacks something else, usually throat or lungs or larynx, but yesterday it was my head. But not my nose at all. And it's a very warm dry summer we're having which makes it even stranger (28C yesterday).

At least I feel like eating again. And thanks for the wishes.
Animal Mutha Posted - 01/03/2008 : 15:37:57
Darn it! Got called into work, didn't vote.
Sean Posted - 01/03/2008 : 05:03:55
12 entries, 10 voters.

3rd - FaceSitter. - Ali - 7 votes (3211)

2nd - Farther Up The Bride. - Animal Mutha - 9 votes (33321-3)

1st - Dirty Frotting Scoundrel. - Se�n - 10 votes (3322)

Cheese_Ed Posted - 01/03/2008 : 01:41:30

Get well soon.
Stalean Posted - 01/03/2008 : 00:37:07
Sorry to hear that you are so ill, Sean. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know.
Sean Posted - 01/02/2008 : 23:18:26
Far to crook to post. Can't even add numbers at the momemnt. Worst headhche ive had since I had malaria. Will post later hopefully.
turrell Posted - 01/02/2008 : 22:33:07
voted - late sorry - had an arrow stuck through my brain
MisterBadIdea Posted - 01/02/2008 : 19:32:43
Originally posted by duh

Originally posted by MisterBadIdea

Excuse me, I voted.

This week's viewing: Father of the Bride
Thoughts: The beginning of Martin's sellout period, this movie is schmaltzy, soulless and crushingly unfunny, but it at least earns points by not even trying to be interesting.

At least it had Martin Short as Franck the weddling planner and B.D. Wong as his assistant, the oddly missnamed Howard Weinstein.

Oh, you mean the worst part of the movie. Yeah, it sure had it.
duh Posted - 01/02/2008 : 18:42:03
Originally posted by MisterBadIdea

Excuse me, I voted.

This week's viewing: Father of the Bride
Thoughts: The beginning of Martin's sellout period, this movie is schmaltzy, soulless and crushingly unfunny, but it at least earns points by not even trying to be interesting.

At least it had Martin Short as Franck the weddling planner and B.D. Wong as his assistant, the oddly missnamed Howard Weinstein.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 01/02/2008 : 14:56:59
I am a wild and crazy voter!
MisterBadIdea Posted - 01/02/2008 : 14:44:47
Excuse me, I voted.

This week's viewing: Father of the Bride
Thoughts: The beginning of Martin's sellout period, this movie is schmaltzy, soulless and crushingly unfunny, but it at least earns points by not even trying to be interesting.
w22dheartlivie Posted - 01/02/2008 : 06:53:33
Feliz A�o Nuevos a todos!!!

��Envi� en mis votos el tiempo!!
ChocolateLady Posted - 01/02/2008 : 06:27:44

(Sean - you didn't put Ali's entry into the list.)
Koli Posted - 01/01/2008 : 22:50:56
Right, having established that it's only Tuesday, FWFR time, I have voted early and will now be retiring for the night.

Happy New Year all!
Ali Posted - 12/31/2007 : 06:37:31


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