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 FWPT-#134 Amy Winehouse

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
rockfsh Posted - 02/14/2008 : 02:48:48
Hot enough to burn down Camden Town, Grammy winner Amy Winehouse
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Koli Posted - 02/21/2008 : 20:39:45
Originally posted by thefoxboy

Originally posted by ChocolateLady

What? I hardly even know the woman's music. Cool! Thanks.

Hardly?, I've had never heard of her.

I'd encourage you to get hold of some of her music and give it a listen. I reckon that Back to Black is even better than Frank, though obviously it's all subjective. Great voice. Very soulful. I hadn't thought of Shirley Bassey but some of her stuff sounds like soul from the 60s and there are similarities to SB's voice.
thefoxboy Posted - 02/21/2008 : 09:56:12
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

What? I hardly even know the woman's music. Cool! Thanks.

Hardly?, I've had never heard of her.
ChocolateLady Posted - 02/21/2008 : 09:12:33
What? I hardly even know the woman's music. Cool! Thanks. New dirty bugger coming up!

(Actually, I heard one of her songs yesterday on the radio on the station that generally plays older music from the 60s, 70s and 80s but has a show or two for new music. I didn't know it was one of those shows and while I was listening to it thought "hm... I've never heard that Shirley Bassey song before". You could have knocked me over with a feather when they said it was Amy Winehouse. Come on - listen carefully. Doesn't she sound like Bassey?)

w22dheartlivie Posted - 02/21/2008 : 08:59:20
Head: Blow! Blow! Blow!
Sean Posted - 02/21/2008 : 08:00:05
Time to get the show on the road....
14 entries this week and 12 voters...
So the winners are:-
2nd best equal Amy Winehouse porn title, as voted by you with
9 votes
Fuck Me, Pumps me. - thefoxboy
(vote breakdown of 333)
Amy Whorehouse. - MisterBadIdea
(vote breakdown of 3222)
The winner with the best Amy Winehouse porn title
with a vote breakdown of (3322)
Please be upstanding for our latest filthy pervert
For a total of 10 votes
Make some noise people
ChocolateLady - with - You: spent; me: sighing!
Congratulations ChocolateLady for your fourth stand on the winning pervert's dais.

Time to get up here and give us a few words then choose the next pornstar. Make sure it is NOT someone that we have pornolised in previous rounds. You have 24 hours to start the next round or I'll start it.

You are now free to post any alternative FWPTs you may have.
Sean Posted - 02/21/2008 : 03:05:02
Still got a four-way tie for first. If I don't get more votes in the next 30 minutes then I'll use Plan B.... remove my votes and revote on the ones that count - which I've never had to do before.
Sean Posted - 02/20/2008 : 21:08:59
Two voters to go and a four-way tie for first!

Lurkers would be appreciated.
Koli Posted - 02/20/2008 : 20:50:20
They tried to make me abstain, but I said No, No, No...
turrell Posted - 02/20/2008 : 18:42:54
I'd rather be with ray, but sent votes in anyway
ChocolateLady Posted - 02/20/2008 : 06:36:39
Voted for who?
MisterBadIdea Posted - 02/20/2008 : 01:50:58

This week's viewing: Stupid Bitch: The Edge of Reason
Thoughts: Oh, sorry, that should read Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, which is the only movie I could find that had Amy Winehouse on the soundtrack. I missed which scene it was in -- it might have been the one where Bridget falls from a roof while spying on her boyfriend, or the one where she parachutes into pigshit, or the one where she dumps Colin Firth because of vague suspicions of cheating, or one of the many other scenes where she acts like a stupid, stupid bitch.
TitanPa Posted - 02/20/2008 : 01:40:29
sent votes, got a Grammy.

Chris C Posted - 02/19/2008 : 23:20:42
They tried to make me go to rehab but I sent votes, votes, votes.
Cheese_Ed Posted - 02/19/2008 : 18:38:55
Couldn't get a visa so I sent my votes in via satellite.
BiggerBoat Posted - 02/15/2008 : 17:12:04

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