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 Yukon Promos the Book!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AC Posted - 07/07/2010 : 04:19:24
Congrats to Yukon for being featured here:

A pretty good plug for the site and book (six weeks away!!). Bravo, Yukon!
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Yukon Posted - 08/31/2010 : 20:33:00
Tell your friends in Vancouver that I'm scheduled to be Interviewed by CKNW Talk Radio (AM980) on Sunday at 5:30 p.m. (Vancouver time).

Wish me luck!
ChocolateLady Posted - 08/24/2010 : 10:42:55
thefoxboy Posted - 08/24/2010 : 01:38:56
Originally posted by Yukon

... and I was on the radio this morning -- K-Rock, Kingston's classic rock station. My good friend Sarah Crosbie is the morning host.

Click on the link to hear the 10-minute interview:

I like that woman, that's a great review of Basic Instinct that she mentions
Beanmimo Posted - 08/20/2010 : 20:24:11

It's a great interview, again well done.
lemmycaution Posted - 08/20/2010 : 20:02:04
Great! Way to go Mike.
Yukon Posted - 08/20/2010 : 19:45:17
... and I was on the radio this morning -- K-Rock, Kingston's classic rock station. My good friend Sarah Crosbie is the morning host.

Click on the link to hear the 10-minute interview:
ChocolateLady Posted - 08/20/2010 : 08:32:38
Originally posted by Yukon

More pimping.

Here's a story in Kingston This Week, a free weekly newspaper that gets delivered to almost every house in my hometown.

Marvelous piece!
Yukon Posted - 08/19/2010 : 20:07:50
More pimping.

Here's a story in Kingston This Week, a free weekly newspaper that gets delivered to almost every house in my hometown.
lemmycaution Posted - 07/24/2010 : 15:58:24
Yukon Posted - 07/24/2010 : 15:10:33
Here's another story. My hometown newspaper (and the newspaper I worked at for five years) the Kingston Whig-Standard just did a story on the FWFR book.

Give the story a read here:

The link doesn't do it justice -- it looked beautiful in the paper -- it filled about 3/4s of the page and it ran with two big pictures.

Yukon Posted - 07/14/2010 : 20:17:46
Thanks folks! I'm hoping this will be the first of many. When the book hits the shelves on Aug. 18, I'm going to really start promoting the book.

I was a daily newspaper reporter for 13 years so I have a lot of friends in the media, so I'm sure the book will get a lot of press. I already have several interviews line up with old co-workers in my home town of Kingston.

If anyone is on Facebook, they can check out my publicity photos. They are posted on my personal Facebook page as well as the FWFR:The Book page.

Benj is currently designing a website to help promote the book. When that is up and running, we will let you know.
ChocolateLady Posted - 07/07/2010 : 17:36:59
Originally posted by ChocolateLady


Which reminds me... Now's the time to work on that interview for Associated Content I want to do.

By the way, I've just republished my review of this site on Associated Content, with a PS regarding the book.
lemmycaution Posted - 07/07/2010 : 14:54:37
Larry Posted - 07/07/2010 : 12:55:46

Wonderful interview! Way to go, Yukon!
ChocolateLady Posted - 07/07/2010 : 09:08:59

Which reminds me... Now's the time to work on that interview for Associated Content I want to do.

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