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 Joe or Joseph?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
TitanPa Posted - 12/08/2021 : 01:34:40
While updating one of my accolades I found something interesting about an actors names. I was updating my 'Hail to the Chief' accolade. I was trying to update the list of Presidents. I was trying to add Joe Biden, but for the life of me it couldn't find him. I even tried to search for his name in the Actors Search. Nothing. So I found a movie/Documentary he was in. On the list of actors in the sidebar, there it was, his name. Joe Biden. But when I clicked on his name the title page said Joseph R. Biden. So I did the search with that name and there it was. But his name in all his credits is JOE BIDEN. Why is his title page and why does one need to search for JOSEPH R. BIDEN? its weird. No one I even know calls his Joseph or even knows his middle name. is this a fluke? Just asking.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
lemmycaution Posted - 12/09/2021 : 19:03:43
Originally posted by MguyXXII

Robinette. His full name is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. I believe the focus on "Joe" Biden is to discourage people from focussing on the real issue: who or what the fuck is Robinette?!

A propos of nothing.....

MguyXXV Posted - 12/08/2021 : 22:02:23
Robinette. His full name is Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. I believe the focus on "Joe" Biden is to discourage people from focussing on the real issue: who or what the fuck is Robinette?!

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