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"Four ever European"

Posted - 12/08/2006 :  09:36:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

I was looking through the list but I can't find a review there that calls Craig the 7th Bond. Which ones are you talking about?

It's gone.
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"500 Chocolate Delights"

Posted - 12/08/2006 :  19:12:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Salopian

Originally posted by ChocolateLady

I was looking through the list but I can't find a review there that calls Craig the 7th Bond. Which ones are you talking about?

It's gone.

OoooOooh, what power we wield! Chilling, isn't it?
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"Four ever European"

Posted - 12/14/2006 :  11:15:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
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"Welcome back, Billy Buck"

Posted - 12/23/2006 :  21:23:49  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm not advocating deleting anything, but I want to stress for future reviewers that We Are Marshall really isn't about that football team that got killed in that horrible tragedy. It's about what happened after that.
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"I like to watch."

Posted - 12/24/2006 :  04:33:18  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Downtown

I'm not advocating deleting anything, but I want to stress for future reviewers that We Are Marshall really isn't about that football team that got killed in that horrible tragedy. It's about what happened after that.

But isn't the air accident depicted? I haven't seen the movie, but there was some airplane footage that went along with Richard Roeper's review today. Robert Patrick even plays the doomed coach, I believe.
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"Welcome back, Billy Buck"

Posted - 12/24/2006 :  05:12:22  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
The coach wasn't on the plane. He survived and he never coached again but he stayed around for one year to help his successor. That's what the film is about, according to an interview with Matthew McConaughey.
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"I like to watch."

Posted - 12/24/2006 :  19:50:02  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Downtown

The coach wasn't on the plane. He survived and he never coached again but he stayed around for one year to help his successor. That's what the film is about, according to an interview with Matthew McConaughey.

So I guess that's the Matthew Fox character.

OK then, so who does Robert Patrick play on the airplane set that I saw on the Roeper show? [I still say the flick must depict, however obliquely, the crash itself.]
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"Welcome back, Billy Buck"

Posted - 12/24/2006 :  20:29:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Turns out the head coach was on the plane. Red Dawson was the receivers coach, and he survived because he was traveling by car on a recruiting visit. He stayed one year as an assistant to Lengyel.

I'm sure in some way the crash is in the film. I guess I just wanted to point out that most people are summarizing just the introduction, not the real plot. I know that's okay which is why I said nothing should be retrospect, I guess I really chose the wrong thread for this. Never mind!
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"I like to watch."

Posted - 12/24/2006 :  21:57:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Downtown

Turns out the head coach was on the plane. Red Dawson was the receivers coach, and he survived because he was traveling by car on a recruiting visit. He stayed one year as an assistant to Lengyel.

I'm sure in some way the crash is in the film. I guess I just wanted to point out that most people are summarizing just the introduction, not the real plot. I know that's okay which is why I said nothing should be retrospect, I guess I really chose the wrong thread for this. Never mind!

Oh -- that explains everything. I knew they wouldn't waste a recognizable face [and corresponding paycheck] like Robert Patrick on a nothing part.

I'm only attuned to this issue for a simple reason: what I thought was quite the clever MARIE ANTIONETTE review got Reported and subsequently dumped because what I was describing had not actually been portrayed in the film; it was a fact associated with the historical character that wasn't shown on screen. Hence my admittedly pedantic interest: was the Marshall crash depicted, or not?

That said, you are so right that the movie appears to be about the rebuilding of the team after this unutterable devastation. [Repeat: I haven't seen the flick itself, only a few frames on Roeper, so I'm not at all sure what I'm talking about.] I just wanted to make clear, for those plane-crashy reviewers who might be facing Reports in future, that their reviews are still legit.

And now, I stand beside DT: may we have some reviews on the actual substance of this movie pls?
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"Welcome back, Billy Buck"

Posted - 12/24/2006 :  23:46:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hey don't look at me I haven't seen it either so an actual review is impossible...and they say it's rather schmaltzy so I'm not sure I'll bother.
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"I like to watch."

Posted - 12/25/2006 :  13:55:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Downtown

Hey don't look at me I haven't seen it either so an actual review is impossible...and they say it's rather schmaltzy so I'm not sure I'll bother.

Hee hee...a postmodern punch line!
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"Welcome back, Billy Buck"

Posted - 12/28/2006 :  17:19:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
On a more serious note, I think it's worth bring up Rocky V for discussion. Many reviews (including mine) refer to it as being the last Rocky movie, which Stalone did in fact declare it to be at the time. I can defend my own review because it's an accurate plot description, the film being about Rocky really being finished as a boxer. But since the movie was heavily marketed as the last Rocky movie, I think they're all okay. But this is a good one to talk about.
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"Four ever European"

Posted - 12/29/2006 :  20:10:35  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I don't think any are O.K. that refer to its being the last Rocky film. It's not enough that they used to be accurate. They should get moved to Rocky Balboa if they do not include plot points. If there are any which include plot points and which explicitly say that it was the last film, well, that's too bad.
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"Welcome back, Billy Buck"

Posted - 12/29/2006 :  20:29:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I can still confidently defend my own, which I won't bother doing until someone who's actually read it specifically challenges it. But I don't agree with your pronouncement on all the others, unless it's been previously determined that reviews which are rendered obsolete by a sequel that wasn't yet made when the reviews were approved should be declined Ex Post Facto, which is not the same as "catching" generic reviews that should never have been approved in the first place.
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"Four ever European"

Posted - 12/29/2006 :  20:39:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I agree that such a policy would have to be applied consistently if at all, but I think it should be. Almost all reviews would either stand on the non-pun part (as I'm sure yours does) or be transferable to the later film.
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