mampers11 "Lazy Lebowski Loses Rug"
quote:Originally posted by mampersPlease vote for my zeroers. I would be grateful people. Cheers. Votes will be winged all your way. Mampers thatsonofabitch
randall "I like to watch."
quote:Originally posted by WhippersnapperWhippa needs your votes DESPERATELY!
lemmycaution "Long mired in film"
turrell "Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh "
quote:Originally posted by turrellI'm in also.Got the following:Randall ChocoJoshTheFoxboyYukonLemmyPaddy C - more coming soon.
LPH "Cusack Loving Film Addict"
quote:Originally posted by LPHHere are some of my ZEROSSo far I've hit Randall, the next of you are to follow as much as time allows - I'll update as I get time to read through everyone's!LPH