Has this been covered in another thread? I logged on today to find a bunch of my A&E documentary reviews now denied because the films/shows have been removed from the site.
Has this been covered in another thread? I logged on today to find a bunch of my A&E documentary reviews now denied because the films/shows have been removed from the site.
In a nutshell, IMDB has reclassed them as a "TV series"
Benj's ultimate rule of thumb is to follow what IMDB says (regarding whether it is a movie or a tv show)
A&E documentaries are only for their channel, I guess.
I lost all of one review, but one I was proud of and that I waited four months for approval:
Biography of Lance Armstrong: "Lance goes Postal," because Lance's old cycling team dumped him (and washed their hands of his medical costs) while he was in a hospital receiving chemotherapy; USPS (or "postal" for short) picked him up before he had ridden a bike very far, I believe.
And in case you were curious, Nike paid his medical bills. So that's why you'll see him in a Nike ad or two :)