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"Four ever European"

Posted - 10/21/2007 :  01:09:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by ChocolateLady

And I like Mr. Top Reviewers by Total Votes' reviews, too!

There was some talk of Benj deleting reviewers with no reviews, so I submitted reviews for all of them. They were meant to just keep one each (so that they would appear consecutively in left-hand panel), but I could not face deleting any of those three, so I just left them. The panel has now changed from alphabetical to I.D. number ordering, so they cannot all be together now anyway.

Thanks Josh for your efforts updating that when you did. N.B. If anyone notices that they need a major update in future, the best thing is to note down the order in which they need to be, delete them all and then re-add them in the correct order.
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"Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh Ohhhh "

Posted - 11/12/2007 :  20:15:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I thought the reason for Benj doing that was to prevent people from juicing their own vote totals by creating empty accounts and then just voting on one's own reviews which would seem to be a reasonable no-no.
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"Four ever European"

Posted - 11/13/2007 :  10:11:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by turrell

I thought the reason for Benj doing that was to prevent people from juicing their own vote totals by creating empty accounts and then just voting on one's own reviews which would seem to be a reasonable no-no.

I'm not certain but I think there were various reasons. Reviewers with no reviews just look a bit of a mess and a waste of space, for one. I'm not sure that many people really thought anyone would create users just to vote on themselves. Even if they did, they could readily submit safe reviews for current films to protect them.

Edited by - Salopian on 11/13/2007 10:11:58
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"Here four more"

Posted - 01/07/2008 :  06:30:53  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
With the New Years rash of reviews....I think its once again time for an edit.
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"August review site"

Posted - 04/18/2008 :  12:14:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by turrell

I thought the reason for Benj doing that was to prevent people from juicing their own vote totals by creating empty accounts.

I am quite disillusioned by this possibility.
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Josh the cat 
"ice wouldn't melt, you'd think ....."

Posted - 01/20/2009 :  22:34:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Special Note
As a thank you for the monster he�s created, Benj is now listed at rank �0�� please don�t forget to pay your respects � even you lazy people.

Rank numbers indicate first the rank of the previous L'SPOR report, then the rank as of this posting or edit.
Tuesday 20 January 2009

0 0 Benj 516
1 1 Randall 11204
2 2 thefoxboy 10102
4 3 calmer 8525
3 4 AussieCanuck 8022
6 5 lemmycaution 6047
5 6 noncentz 5954
11 7 Whippersnapper 5161
7 8 Tori 4665
8 9 bife 4500
10 10 Josh the cat 4426

18 11 BaftaBabe 4397
20 12 Conan The Westy 4310
13 13 Montgomery 4216
14 14 Sludge 4029
12 15 MguyX 3973
15 16 Rovark 3886
20 17 Yukon 3755
16 18 Cheese_Ed 3458
17 19 kolo 3302

23 20 ChocolateLady 3228
51 21 CankleFetish 3205
19 22 MelissaS 3200
22 23 Please Kill Me Now 3014
21 24 bennyr81 2430
24 25 Downtown 2316
26 26 MMorkeleb 2258
25 27 Beanmimo 2238
27 28 TitanPa 2129
30 29 elchico 1849

31 30 redPen 1814
47 31 Catuli 1787
28 32 Batty 1765
62 33 Salopian 1754
29 34 shoon 1754
56 35 wildhartlivie 1736
32 36 Koli 1729
33 37 The Prof 1707
35 38 Alan Smithee 1702
37 39 Justin credible 1669

36 40 turrell 1668
38 41 Gentleman Ghost 1658
34 42 Yelnats 1590
42 43 chazbo 1565
41 44 Ken 1508
52 45 Rockgolf 1448
39 46 teddychan 1445
40 47 el guapo 1425
44 48 StaLean 1354
43 49 rri1 1335

45 50 The artist formerly known as W.S. 1326
50 51 Ghcool1323
48 52 Joe Blevins 1322
46 53 Stone Junction 1307
65 54 Ali 1286
49 55 Al Swearengen 1229
54 56 Markandlain 1227
55 57 Paddy C 1212
58 58 Chris C 1203
53 59 Falken 1190

69 60 damalc 1185
59 61 Puzzgal 1179
78 62 Dem9nic 1174
57 63 dlanod 1144
57 64 soda 1138
60 65 blueduck 1099
61 66 Sean 1098
71 67 Little Old Lady from Dubuque 1072
66 68 Pope George Ringo 1072
63 69 Turducken 1069

91 70 Badbart 1041
74 71 boydegg 1035
101 72 Larry 1003
94 73 Weeble-head Boy 1003
85 74 knockmesilly 999
92 75 maintcoder 995
67 76 Fresno 993
68 77 Corduroy Pillow 986
70 78 arocketman 963
84 79 Airbolt 950

72 80 dgbenner 940
73 81 queenofcats 875
75 82 FloatingCoffin 825
76 83 mumbles 811
77 84 SwissArmyKnife 805
79 85 Dicky 796
81 86 Dante 795
89 87 silly 794
80 88 Skunk Puppet 789
82 89 jinx 718

83 90 knoops 716
86 91 veloc 700
93 92 duh Improper Username 698
101 93 aahaa, muahaha694
101 94 Tortoise 693
87 95 cerealandrubberbands 685
88 96 Face 680
101 97 Lady Meerkat 676
90 98 Seigiryu 671
95 99 stroll 657
101 100 Mr Savoir Faire 634

Other FWFR lists
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Accolades Completed
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Accolades Made
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Films Added
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Top Reviews
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Percentage of Top Reviews
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Average Votes
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Films Reviewed
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Films Scored
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Reviews with Fifty-plus Votes
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Highest Review
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Ratio of Reviews to Films
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Top 100 Total
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Total Votes
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Votes for One Film
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Reviews for One Film

Any errors on the main list and I will correct them, Salopian is the custodian of the lists of TOP FWFR'ers...

Josh the cat

Edited by - Josh the cat on 02/05/2009 21:15:41
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"Four ever European"

Posted - 01/20/2009 :  22:52:24  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Given that I'm not interested in maximizing my total number of reviews and I have a high rejection rate, I'm amazed that the number of places I've risen is second only to CankleFetish. I think the cap has made me submit more, by consciously trying to think of reviews when I have slots rather than risking them just coming along when I don't.

Edited by - Salopian on 01/21/2009 19:58:15
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aahaa, muahaha 
"Optimistic altruist, incurable romantic"

Posted - 05/19/2009 :  23:07:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I was looking at the three ranking pages (total reviews, total votes and average votes per review) and on a lark, decided to compile a list of people who make all the three lists - 46 fwiffers make all the three lists; here it is (ordered by total number of reviews as of date).

Special Note
As a thank you for the monster he�s created, Benj has been listed at the head of the table.

Josh the cat
Conan The Westy
Alan Smithee
The Prof
Joe Blevins
Chris C
Paddy C
Pope George Ringo
Corduroy Pillow
aahaa, muahaha
duh Improper Username
Lady Meerkat

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Josh the cat 
"ice wouldn't melt, you'd think ....."

Posted - 11/16/2009 :  23:48:37  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Special Note
As a thank you for the monster he�s created, Benj is now listed at rank �0�� please don�t forget to pay your respects � even you lazy people.

Rank numbers indicate first the rank of the previous L'SPOR report, then the rank as of this posting or edit.
Monday 16th November 2009

0 0 Benj 519
1 1 Randall 12002
2 2 thefoxboy 10204
3 3 calmer 9161
4 4 AussieCanuck 8159
5 5 lemmycaution 6518
6 6 noncentz 59547
7 7 Whippersnapper 5672
11 8 BaftaBabe 5235
10 9 Josh the cat 5143
8 10 Tori 4668

9 11 bife 4504
13 12 Montgomery 4455
12 13 Conan The Westy 4404
14 14 Sludge 4276
15 15 MguyX 4147
16 16 Rovark 4067
17 17 Yukon 4015
21 18 CankleFetish 3887
23 19 Please Kill Me Now 3590
20 20 ChocolateLady 3538

18 21 Cheese_Ed 3464
19 22 kolo 3304
22 23 MelissaS 3224
27 24 Beanmimo 2533
24 25 bennyr81 2430
25 26 Downtown 2316
26 27 MMorkeleb 2289
33 28 Salopian 2146
28 29 TitanPa 2128
31 30 Catuli 1955

38 31 Alan Smithee 1868
29 32 elchico 1866
35 33 wildhartlivie 1840
30 34 redPen 1824
36 35 Koli 1812
39 36 Justin credible 1806
72 37 Larry 1795
41 38 Gentleman Ghost 1789
32 39 Batty 1765
34 40 shoon 1754

37 41 The Prof 1707
40 42 turrell 1685
43 43 chazbo 1637
62 44 Demonic 1591
42 45 Yelnats 1590
45 46 Rockgolf 1584
44 47 Ken 1549
46 48 teddychan 1445
47 49 el guapo 1435
58 50 Chris C 1365

51 51 Ghcool1359
48 52 StaLean 1358
52 53 Joe Blevins 1355
71 54 boydegg 1352
49 55 rri1 1335
50 56 The artist formerly known as W.S. 1325
53 57 Stone Junction 1307
54 58 Ali 1286
60 59 damalc 1258
56 60 Markandlain 1238

55 61 Al Swearengen 1229
57 62 Paddy C 1212
61 63 Puzzgal 1198
59 64 Falken 1190
75 65 maintcoder 1177
67 66 Little Old Lady from Dubuque 1173
70 67 Badbart 1156
63 68 dlanod 1144
64 69 soda 1139
74 70 knockmesilly 1132

68 71 Pope George Ringo 1108
65 72 blueduck 1099
66 73 Sean 1098
73 74 Weeble-head Boy 1076
79 75 Airbolt 1073
69 76 Turducken 1069
76 77 Fresno 993
77 78 Corduroy Pillow 986
78 79 arocketman 961
80 80 dgbenner 940

81 81 queenofcats 873
87 82 silly 852
82 83 FloatingCoffin 825
83 84 mumbles 811
84 85 SwissArmyKnife 805
86 86 Dante 803
85 87 Dicky 796
101 88 [matt] 792
88 89 Skunk Puppet 786
93 90 aahaa, muahaha778

94 91 tortoise 764
96 92 lamhasuas 727
92 93 duh Improper Username 723
89 94 jinx 718
98 95 rockfsh 718
90 96 knoops 716
97 97 Lady Meerkat 705
91 98 veloc 700
101 99 hustleboy107 694
95 100 cerealandrubberbands 684

Other FWFR lists
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Accolades Completed
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Accolades Made
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Films Added
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Top Reviews
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Percentage of Top Reviews
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Average Votes
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Films Reviewed
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Films Scored
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Reviews with Fifty-plus Votes
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Highest Review
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Ratio of Reviews to Films
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Top 100 Total
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Total Votes
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Votes for One Film
Top F.W.F.R'ers by Reviews for One Film

Any errors on the main list and I will correct them, Salopian is the custodian of the lists of TOP FWFR'ers...

Josh the cat
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"Four ever European"

Posted - 11/17/2009 :  21:39:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for this update Josh.

Look how much Larry has shot up! He has risen by thirty-five places and no one above him has risen by more than my five.

Edited by - Salopian on 11/17/2009 21:40:31
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"Larry's time / sat merrily"

Posted - 11/17/2009 :  23:03:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Sa10pian

Thanks for this update Josh.

Look how much Larry has shot up! He has risen by thirty-five places and no one above him has risen by more than my five.

Luckily, I was in a place where it was relatively easy to move up (lotsa' people bunched up together), especially since I go for quantity rather than quality.

Thanks for noticing, Sal (or Sa10). What do I do to get included in the "other FWFR lists"?

And thanks JTC for taking on this monumental task.
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"Four ever European"

Posted - 11/17/2009 :  23:08:40  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Larry

What do I do to get included in the "other FWFR lists"?

I've been updating some of them today and am next going to add relative newcomers. However, please let me know of which lists you qualify for as otherwise I have to test out all of the stats. (The requirements are listed here.)

Edit: I've created all your stats, Larry. I'll add to the lists sometime, but feel free to add them yourself in the meantime. I'll create stats for clay &c. tomorrow or something.

Edited by - Salopian on 11/18/2009 03:05:12
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"Four ever European"

Posted - 11/18/2009 :  02:06:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I hadn't seen the list that aahaa created till today, so I thought I'd combine the ranks and order an updated version of it accordingly.

The second and third numbers are the ranks by total reviews and average votes; the first number is the sum of these. I haven't included the total-votes rank, since the figure that is based on is the product of the figures the other ranks are based on and so counting it on top is duplication; there are also (therefore) no reviewers who appear in these two top 100s but not that one.

45 17 28 Yukon
46 28 18 Salopian
50 6 44 noncentz
51 46 5 Rock Golf
53 21 32 Cheese_Ed
53 44 9 demonic
54 7 47 Whippersnapper
57 33 24 wildheartlivie
63 42 21 turrell
64 5 59 lemmycaution
73 8 65 BaftaBabe
73 11 62 bife
73 51 22 GHcool
74 14 60 Sludge
75 35 40 Koli
77 24 53 Beanmimo
77 2 75 thefoxboy
78 58 20 Ali
78 43 35 chazbo
78 20 58 ChocolateLady
81 73 8 Se�n
84 78 6 Corduroy Pillow
89 41 48 The Prof
90 34 56 redPen
94 27 67 M0rkeleb
96 9 87 Josh the cat
103 64 39 Falken
104 13 91 Conan the Westy
110 37 73 Larry
111 60 51 Markandlain
113 71 42 Pope George Ringo
114 89 25 aahaa, muahaha
116 75 41 Airbolt
117 88 29 [matt]
118 54 64 Joe Blevins
119 29 90 TitanPa
120 50 70 Chris C
127 31 96 Alan Smithee
137 40 97 shoon
139 62 77 Paddy C
140 95 45 rockfsh
146 91 55 tortoise
151 99 52 hustleboy007
151 52 99 Stalean
154 59 95 damalc
156 82 74 silly
166 77 89 Fresno
176 92 84 lamhasuas
180 97 83 Lady Meerkat
191 93 98 duh Improper Username
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"Charlie Don't Serf!"

Posted - 11/20/2009 :  05:02:30  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks Josh and Salopian!

Edited by - Sludge on 11/20/2009 05:08:49
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"Four ever European"

Posted - 03/11/2010 :  04:20:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I thought I'd do an update of the above.

The bracketed numbers are the ranks by total reviews and average votes; the ranking is by the sum of these.

45 (28 + 17) Salopian
46 (17 + 29) Yukon
49 (6 + 43) noncentz
51 (41 + 10) demonic
52 (46 + 6) Rock Golf
53 (7 + 46) Whippersnapper
54 (21 + 33) Cheese_Ed
60 (29 + 31) wildheartlivie
64 (43 + 21) turrell
65 (5 + 60) lemmycaution
73 (12 + 61) Sludge
75 (34 + 41) Koli
75 (13 + 62) bife
77 (54 + 23) GHcool
77 (2 + 75) thefoxboy
79 (59 + 20) Ali
79 (44 + 35) chazbo
79 (20 + 59) ChocolateLady
79 (8 + 71) BaftaBabe
81 (24 + 57) Beanmimo
82 (74 + 8) Se�n
85 (78 + 7) Corduroy Pillow
90 (42 + 48) The Prof
92 (37 + 55) redPen
97 (27 + 70) M0rkeleb
98 (9 + 89) Josh the cat
102 (63 + 39) Falken
103 (30 + 73) Larry
107 (14 + 93) Conan the Westy
109 (82 + 27) aahaa, muahaha
109 (87 + 22) [matt]
111 (71 + 40) Airbolt
113 (62 + 51) Markandlain
114 (72 + 42) Pope George Ringo
118 (53 + 65) Joe Blevins
122 (45 + 77) Chris C
122 (31 + 91) TitanPa
128 (33 + 95) Alan Smithee
133 (81 + 52) hustleboy007
137 (40 + 97) shoon
139 (94 + 45) rockfsh
140 (90 + 50) lamhasuas
145 (67 + 78) Paddy C
148 (95 + 53) tortoise
154 (55 + 99) Stalean
158 (84 + 74) silly
158 (60 + 98) damalc
164 (77 + 87) Fresno
181 (96 + 85) LadyMeerkat
193 (97 + 96) duh

There have been some fairly big moves in just a few months, most notably lamhasuas -- just goes to show what coming into the Fourum does for you.
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