Soooooo, there have been a lot of new "reviews" being posted by new site participants (Welcome!), but they all seem to be under the zombie genre, and particularly - Night of the Living Dead
- Day of the Dead
- 28 Weeks Later
- Diary of the Dead
and- Warm Bodies
(I may have missed a few.)
Please take some time to look at the guidelines for review submission. While we loooove having new folks participate, there's not much fun in (1) submitting reviews that have already been done before ("repeats"), (2) submitting the-moral-of-the-story (which likely could apply to thousands of films and is therefore not distinct, e.g., "Love conquers all.") or (3) submitting a minute/random observation about a scene (e.g., "Zombies kill hero.") that doesn't really present an overall statement about the film. In fact, please take a look at the top 100 reviews, to get a feel for what a good review looks like.
Also, please be sure to capitalize the first letter of your review (unless there is some bona fide reason not to do so).
Have fun!  |