If you have a review declined that was reported via the report button, what's the correct way to defend the review? If I resub it, it will go to the merps? Or does a deleted reported review go straight to benj?
Also benj, once a review has been reported and you investigate the report, what happens if the review survives the report? Does the word report change to reported or something like that so that your report file isn't filled with the same reviews all the time?
Josh the cat "ice wouldn't melt, you'd think ....."
Posted - 12/11/2006 : 08:26:48
Read the second of Benj's comments here it may clear up a few issues, but not all.
Okay, I've finally used this button. But I wasn't being malicious. There are two entries in the database for the movie "The Sex Life of Jesus" and most of the reviews are on the one added first. One lone review is stuck on the second one. Since there is only one movie by that name, I decided it would be a good idea to report that lone review on that duplicate movie and request that the review be moved over to the first movie added to the database here.