This is so surprising to me. THis has never happened to me before. In only 4 days, 1 review has gotten 17 votes. Since it first got passed and entered the FYC competion. This is a record for me. Usually when I enter the FYC competition I get an average of 9 - 11 votes. I must have struck a cord. I am very impressed with myself. You all probably know the review which I am taking about.
The Hreatbreak Kid - "There's Something About Marriage."
Thanx to all who voted. I must be doing something right.
I'm actually kicking myself for not thinking of "There's Something About Marriage" myself. I was trying to come up with a review for Heartbreak Kid using the "There's Something About ..." line and couldn't think of anything good. It seems so obvious now. Be proud Titan.
But that's funny, even if it's a variation of the pun I used on "Fever Pitch." Why should you be surprised that such a clever review would get 17 18 votes?
Yes, this happens sometimes. I have a few reviews that I don't think I ever put into the FYC, but they've gotten lots of votes all on their own, and they're all on my top page!