"Always entranced by cinema."
Posted - 05/04/2008 : 16:44:42
The Oxford Murders is a waste of anyone's time despite its headliners Wood and Hurt. As in: it wooden hurt to miss this!
The script stinks of a 1950s corpse rotting under the floorboards with a few expletive deleteds tossed about to make it seem as though it's had a heart transplant. Which, if it did, it's been rejected.
The direction and editing are taken from a do-it-yourself book - Filmschool For Dummies.
The story -you should excuse the expression - would have hardly sustain a a t.v. tec episode.
And, the biggest no-no: the characters. A less interesting gaggle of badly-drawn-boys - and girls - I haven't seen in a long time. When they're not spouting pseudo philosophy or quoting from abstruse mathematical texts, they're competing for cliches. The forming and maintaining of relationships never convinces so you just don't care in the end who-dunnit. You'd like to see them all dead. And I'll gladly confess - I dunnit!
Actually, I suspect the film was secretly financed by Cambridge to assure no one ever enrolls at Oxford ever again. Ever.