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 Sean's FYCTH #299

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Tori Posted - 05/10/2007 : 05:45:26
Sean�s For Your Consideration - Treasure Hunt

Sean says:

� Put any five reviews you like in your F.Y.C. list.
� Do not use reviews from the previous round - you must change them every round.
� Post here to declare that you've done it. Sooner is better than later.
� Provide a spoiler warning in your post when appropriate.
� You must read the F.Y.C.s of all participants.
� The next round starts on Monday or Thursday at 6:00 a.m. FWFR time, whichever comes next.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Shiv Posted - 05/14/2007 : 14:00:08
Originally posted by bife

Originally posted by Shiv

Originally posted by bife
What really shocks me is that I now have two Bruce Willis films in my all-time Top 10 greats list. Who would've thought?

What's the other one?

Pulp Fiction

But of course
bife Posted - 05/14/2007 : 08:48:40
Originally posted by Shiv

Originally posted by bife
What really shocks me is that I now have two Bruce Willis films in my all-time Top 10 greats list. Who would've thought?

What's the other one?

Pulp Fiction
Shiv Posted - 05/14/2007 : 08:32:34
Originally posted by bife
What really shocks me is that I now have two Bruce Willis films in my all-time Top 10 greats list. Who would've thought?

What's the other one?
thefoxboy Posted - 05/14/2007 : 06:08:01
Originally posted by Se�n

Ah yep, sorry for the brain fart. What I meant was that this isn't enough reason to not watch it. Sure, it's better not knowing the twist, but the fact it's been spoiled doesn't stop it from being a great film and totally worth watching.

Also, just incase you are going camping, reminds you that a....
aahaa, muahaha Posted - 05/14/2007 : 06:07:14
K, now I have decided to watch the film and hopefully, I'll come up with a couple of fwfrs for that film.
Sean Posted - 05/14/2007 : 06:03:25
Ah yep, sorry for the brain fart. What I meant was that this isn't enough reason to not watch it. Sure, it's better not knowing the twist, but the fact it's been spoiled doesn't stop it from being a great film and totally worth watching.
bife Posted - 05/14/2007 : 05:05:16
Originally posted by Se�n

Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha

Can you believe that I haven't yet seen the movie <The Sixth Sense> as a couple of my friends animatedly discussed the handling of the climax in my presence?
I don't think this really matters. I enjoyed it as much the second time around, even though I obviously knew the twist.

I think it does! If you saw the movie knowing there was a twist, or are one of those 'sorts' that looks for likely twists anyway, then this is just 'a good film'

I saw it having heard nothing about the film, and didn't see the ending coming at all. That elevated it from a good film to a great film. What really shocks me is that I now have two Bruce Willis films in my all-time Top 10 greats list. Who would've thought?
Sean Posted - 05/14/2007 : 04:44:52
Originally posted by aahaa, muahaha

Can you believe that I haven't yet seen the movie <The Sixth Sense> as a couple of my friends animatedly discussed the handling of the climax in my presence?
I don't think this really matters. I enjoyed it as much the second time around, even though I obviously knew the twist.
demonic Posted - 05/14/2007 : 04:06:22
Great round! vvvv
thefoxboy Posted - 05/13/2007 : 23:52:16
v v veed all the way home.
chazbo Posted - 05/13/2007 : 23:27:08

And thanks everyone for throwing all those votes on my Lapp.

Shiv Posted - 05/13/2007 : 23:10:49
Shiv Posted - 05/13/2007 : 23:08:26
Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Originally posted by Shiv

Originally posted by Whippersnapper

Originally posted by chazbo

Just did, Whipper. Looks like you beat me to it with the Lapland pun.

Didn't just beat you Chazbo, I lapped you!

I didn't get the reference (I don't remember the film very well). Can you explain?

Harrison Ford's character is named John Book, often referred to by just his surname in the film. The surname of the Amish family he stays with is Lapp, who have a farm, hence "land".

Now, if that's not worth a vote, what is?

Josh the cat Posted - 05/13/2007 : 21:50:32

See you in the morning.

Josh the cat
w22dheartlivie Posted - 05/13/2007 : 20:51:14

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