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Posted - 08/19/2006 :  03:04:31  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by MguyX

"Coming Home" did involve a suicide: Robert Carradine's character ("Billy"), so, yes, IMDb is correct that Dern was in a film called "Coming Home" that involved a suicide -- just not his own character's. It is important to note in the article you cite that it was not Ashby who said that "Bob," Dern's character, committed suicide; it was the article writer.

This blog gives a review of the film and notes, correctly, that Dern simply swims into the Pacific Ocean.

Even if the original script called it a suicide -- Iand I have found NO such reference -- that's not what was filmed, nor is the image so strong as to necessarily imply a suicide (put a gun in his hand and we can talk). Even Cinemorgue -- a website devoted to cataloging the films in which various actors die -- correctly notes that Dern swims into the ocean; though they too opt to conclude that it must mean he drowns, even they acknowledge that death is not a necessary result. (Then again, they have no listings for Charlton Heston, who dies in almost everything.)

I say it's inaccurate.

You just asked where the idea came from, Mguy. I have no vested interest one way or the other.

Edited by - Stalean on 08/19/2006 03:07:10
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"X marks the spot"

Posted - 08/19/2006 :  06:06:29  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Leannie: don't get me wrong -- I don't mean anything bad! I'm not vested in ths either, except I raised the point because I sat through the film waiting to see how Dern was going to do himself in -- mainly because I had seen those reviews just before I watched the movie.


To be sure: I'm not fighting! And you know I love you FAR too much and esteem your opinion far more than actually ever to fight with you.

If I'd have used smilies, it would have been clearer.
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Posted - 08/19/2006 :  15:38:15  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by MguyX

Leannie: don't get me wrong -- I don't mean anything bad! I'm not vested in ths either, except I raised the point because I sat through the film waiting to see how Dern was going to do himself in -- mainly because I had seen those reviews just before I watched the movie.


To be sure: I'm not fighting! And you know I love you FAR too much and esteem your opinion far more than actually ever to fight with you.

If I'd have used smilies, it would have been clearer.

No offense taken, to be sure, M. Keep those smilies a comin'
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"Four ever European"

Posted - 08/21/2006 :  13:43:36  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
In this film, Farrell unfortunately attracts a belle, not a beau.

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"Looking for trap door"

Posted - 08/21/2006 :  14:26:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
For the film Brighton Beach Memoirs, there are a couple of reviews that reference Ferris Bueller (sp?) or Matthew Broderick. Jonathan Silverman played the character of Eugene Jerome in Brighton Beach Memoirs, whereas Matthew Broderick reprised this role in Biloxi Blues.

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"I like to watch."

Posted - 08/24/2006 :  18:13:47  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hate to do this to such outstanding reviewers as AC and tori, but as a New Yorker I have to keep my city clean and accurate.

You're both wrong here. "MOMA" stands for the Museum of Modern Art. It's a wonderful place to visit, but it is definitely not the Metropolitan Museum of Art, one of a handful of the world's truly great museums and the setting of this film. New Yorkers refer to this museum as "the Metropolitan" or sometimes just "the Met" [presumably you'll already know whether you're going to meet your pals at the museum or the opera], but "MOMA" always refers to the other place.

Sorry, guys.

Edited by - randall on 08/24/2006 18:18:13
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Posted - 08/24/2006 :  19:52:07  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I from time to time have offered up fixes. (The last one was one or two pages ago. And I do believe the review is incorrect.) But Benj never gives me the "Fixed. Ta."

Am I just being paranoid or are people against me again?

EM :)
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"Returning FWFR Old-Timer"

Posted - 08/24/2006 :  21:07:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Benj, I replaced my erroneous review as pointed out by Randall above (and some kind MERP was clearly monitoring this thread, because it was approved straight away) but when I went to get rid of the wrong review, I clicked 'disown' instead of 'delete'. So, Mr Smithee has the review now, so if you want to delete it, go ahead. Sorry about that.
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"Long mired in film"

Posted - 08/24/2006 :  22:18:17  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Randall

Hate to do this to such outstanding reviewers as AC and tori, but as a New Yorker I have to keep my city clean and accurate.

You're both wrong here. "MOMA" stands for the Museum of Modern Art. It's a wonderful place to visit, but it is definitely not the Metropolitan Museum of Art, one of a handful of the world's truly great museums and the setting of this film. New Yorkers refer to this museum as "the Metropolitan" or sometimes just "the Met" [presumably you'll already know whether you're going to meet your pals at the museum or the opera], but "MOMA" always refers to the other place.

Sorry, guys.

MOMA said there'd be days like this.
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"X marks the spot"

Posted - 08/25/2006 :  16:06:32  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Montgomery

I from time to time have offered up fixes. (The last one was one or two pages ago. And I do believe the review is incorrect.) But Benj never gives me the "Fixed. Ta."

Am I just being paranoid or are people against me again?

EM :)

Last time I checked, they were all against you, and they're all against me. But I'm not gonna let them do that to us, no. YOU HEAR ME, BENJ: IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!! We're taking prisoners this time! And we're making POPCORN! ("Popcorn?") HEY YOU GUYS!!!! DOWN IN FRONT!!!!!!! TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONES! DO YOU HAVE TO TALK DURING THE SHOW????????!!!!!!!!!!

There, fixed. Ta!
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Posted - 08/25/2006 :  19:38:19  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by MguyX

Last time I checked, they were all against you, and they're all against me. But I'm not gonna let them do that to us, no. YOU HEAR ME, BENJ: IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!! We're taking prisoners this time! And we're making POPCORN! ("Popcorn?") HEY YOU GUYS!!!! DOWN IN FRONT!!!!!!! TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONES! DO YOU HAVE TO TALK DURING THE SHOW????????!!!!!!!!!!

There, fixed. Ta!

The review is still on the When Harry Met Sally page, mocking me.

But thanks for making those people sit down in the front. I have a much better view of the screen now.

EM :)
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"X marks the spot"

Posted - 08/26/2006 :  01:03:21  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Any time.
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"The Provolone Ranger"

Posted - 09/08/2006 :  13:50:42  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I just watched Howards End last night and I think a couple of reviews for that film have it confused with The Remains of the Day.

Sir Anthony as servant.

The butler does everything.
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Posted - 09/13/2006 :  17:20:09  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Cheese_Ed

I just watched Howards End last night and I think a couple of reviews for that film have it confused with The Remains of the Day.

Sir Anthony as servant.

The butler does everything.

Don't worry. Benj will "Fixed, ta." these soon. But my helpful suggestion of error . . .

Edited by - Montgomery on 09/13/2006 17:20:55
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"Always entranced by cinema."

Posted - 09/15/2006 :  11:14:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Captain Corelli's Mandolin = Cage's bad Spanish movie.
Unless I'm missing something, I think Tori's review is inaccurate.
Cage plays an Italian fighting WWII Germans on a Greek island -- I don't think Spanish comes into it, but I could be wrong

Edited by - BaftaBaby on 09/15/2006 11:15:37
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